“Dead’s about the right word, I reckon,” I muttered to myself. “What?” demanded Doug; but I just shook my head. “I hope when you do find a new boyfriend,” continued Doug, “that he’s strong enough to tame you. Spanking obviously isn’t painful enough.” “I’ll have y...
It’s not all that complicated, really, but it’s a handy five dollar word; there are various “schools of thought” that shape different hermeneutics. Gorman stands in the energetic tradition which interprets the texts in light of God’s overall redemptive plan, God’s own missional self-...
www.crowningglorybook.com Crowning Glory -- An Experiment in Self-Discovery Through Disguise may initially sound like a psychological self-help read; but in actually it is an unusual memoir based on the author's experiment in wearing a number of wigs in New York City, assuming personas which ...
Proud of his skill, Jack marched back, resolved to make the third “go” the crowning achievement of the afternoon, while Jill pranced after him as lightly as if the big boots were the famous seven-leagued ones, and chattering about the candy-scrape and whether there would be nuts or no...
Though it came in such a very simple guise, that was the crowning moment of both their lives, when, turning from the night and storm and loneliness to the household light and warmth and peace waiting to receive them, with a glad “Welcome home!” Jo led her lover in, and shut the ...
And that hasn’t changed–I still expect and want this to be their crowning moment. But what did change was my approach, and that, I believe, is why it has taken so long. I didn’t want the kids to do this to get something done; I wanted them to do this to make something ...
Though it came in such a very simple guise, that was the crowning moment of both their lives, when, turning from the night and storm and loneliness to the household light and warmth and peace waiting to receive them, with a glad ‘Welcome home!’ Jo led her lover in, and shut the ...