Our master Ali (Allah be pleased with him) reported: When the weapon of the Prophet, (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had been assembled, I found on the handle or blade of his sword three sayings, “Maintain relations with those who cut you off, Speak the truth even if it...
ALLAH’s Muslim Terrorists aim for topmost carnage, in what should be coined “the maximum effect of terror.” Yes, jihadists recognize (even if only on a subliminal level) that without said continuous (emphasis placed) mental terror – that which keeps citizens demoralized and hyper-anxious –...
The Koran claims the Psalms are a single book given by Allah to reveal Islam, not a collection of Jewish songs of worship written by several different writers. In the Bible Haman is the minister of Ahasuerus in Media and Persia (Esther 3:1-2). Yet the Koran places him over a thousand ...
In this drawing, you will notice that there is space in between the bars. There is opportunity. There is a way in and through. I will take the figure on the road by the hand and walk with him. I will love the bars for what they truly are and in time they will come down to rev...
Coptic Orthodox Church,Egypt,Egyptian Initiative for Personal RightsHala ShukrallahHamdeen SabbahiNaguib Abadir God, Monday and Tuesday Egyptians will vote for their next president, or, will not vote. Some of the latter will actively boycott, others will passively stay at home—satisfied, resigned,...
116. Keep in mind that we are on the whole unique in Allah’s sight. On your birthday, may you be honored with such a significant number of superb circumstances in the coming years and numerous happy returns throughout your life! Best Birthday dad!
Those who claim God’s inspired the Bible would not accept the Koran to be divinely inspired because it makes such claims. It seems fair to ask if divine inspiration is so important and God is that controlling, why didn’t God preserve original manuscripts to remove doubts of editorial ...
” Honorable mention is given to Lewis Braham’s “Time to Share that Active Share Data” (though she thought just “Time to Share that Active Share” might have been sharper), David Moran’s “Using the Active Voice” (the editor in him keeps escaping) and Maurice’s “Are Individual ...
“The University Libraries owns approximately 1,400 manuscripts in several languages, the majority of which are in Arabic. The core clusters were acquired from the prestigious private libraries of the Syrian Society for the Arts and Sciences (1847- 1852); Nawfal Nimatallah Nawfal’s (1811-1887...
Beam me up Scotty, get me out of here...The Islamic god Allah is the same ‘god’, the Muslims say, as the Judeo-Christian,Jehovah. The Koran is the Islamic holy book, but Muslims also give credence to thePentateuch, the first five books of the Old Testament attributed to Moses. ...