1. How do you say “May Allah bless you” in Arabic? The phrase “May Allah bless you” in Arabic is commonly said as بَارَكَ اللّٰهُ فِيكَ (BarakAllahu Feek) for males or بَارَكَ اللّٰهُ ف...
Actually, dear brothers, the ways and the means of nearness to Allah the Almighty are innumerable, and the word "Al-Wasilah" (the means) in Arabic indicates general meaning; Allah the Almighty says: (O you who believe! Do your duty to Allah and fear Him. Seek the means (Al-Wasilah) ...
ALLAH’s Muslim Terrorists aim for topmost carnage, in what should be coined “the maximum effect of terror.” Yes, jihadists recognize (even if only on a subliminal level) that without said continuous (emphasis placed) mental terror – that which keeps citizens demoralized and hyper-anxious –...
“Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.” Congresswoman Omar sta…..Wait, sorry! She really really said this once! Sorry folks, running satire pieces about these people is harder than you think. Anyhoo, where were we?
May Allah bless you all this Eid Al-Adha, dear Brothers and Sisters, with generosity of hand, sincerity of speech, kindness in action, and love and joy in remembrance of Him, who is the Source of all Generosity, Sincerity, Kindness, Joy, and Love. Ameen!
It doesn’t matter if you feel low or not good enough, Allah does not ask perfection of you, He only asks remembrance and in exchange for this he will heal the broken parts of you with His light. You don’t have to be a saint to prostrate, you just need to be a humble broken ...
“A group of dimwitted Patsy ( not innocent patsies, they wanted to go to Allah on attack on the US) Arabic people were trained on flight simulators right before 9/11/2001. The 2 years previous the US Gov had developed a device that could control a 777 or 767 big boeing jet like it...
To this day, they are as thorns in Israel’s side, and the followers of Allah are dedicated to Israel’s annihilation. The failed Oslo Agreement was a covenant between Israel and those same traditional enemies of seven year’s duration. Subsequent efforts to revive the agreement and confirm...
“The University Libraries owns approximately 1,400 manuscripts in several languages, the majority of which are in Arabic. The core clusters were acquired from the prestigious private libraries of the Syrian Society for the Arts and Sciences (1847- 1852); Nawfal Nimatallah Nawfal’s (1811-1887...
cell last January, when a video store worker contacted them after a customer brought a DVD to be duplicated. The DVD showed 10 young men “Shooting assault weapons at a firing range in a militia-like style while calling for jihad and shouting in Arabic ‘Allah Akbar’ (‘God is Great’)...