Horoscope and astrology data of George Clooney born on 6 May 1961 Lexington, Kentucky, with biography
As we leave behind the tumultuous full moon in Scorpio from last week, we are clearing the air as you will soon find out in your weekly horoscope for May 2 to May 8 as we step into eclipse season. In the weeks ahead, as we march toward the lunar eclipse in Sagittarius, the air wil...
Their son Euan was born on 19 January 1984, son Nicky on 6 December 1985, daughter Kathryn on 2 March 1988 and son Leo on 20 May 2000. Leo was the first new baby born to the sitting Prime Minister in 150 years. Blair was a popular, energetic and persuasive leader, aligning himself...
Tuesday brings a major baby or child event. Your plans for a person born under the sign ofCancer, Scorpio or Pisces will have good development. The monetary troubles that will arise for some of you today area sign of an urgent change in family budget spending or a need to adjust your ot...
But don’t expect anything more than a simple summer love, as Gemini isn’t a sign known for its longevity. However, you wouldn’t have it any other way. Would you, Sag?Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.CapricornWhat does your average day look like, Capricorn? What’s your ...
I just added the zines Kelly and Ursula made in March to the site: Horoscope Stories, I Hear You’re Working on a Novel, Writing Rules, & Monster Land, as well as the Horoscope Postcards made from Ursula’s illustrations of Kelly’s stories. All the info is on this page: And Go Lik...
We bet pretty well considering the spotlight has officially moved onto your stellar sign. Your head and your heart collide this year for a less-than-normal celebration. Rather than think about what you don’t have, consider the alternative. What are you grateful for? You’ll start to notice...
More Good Days Horoscope Calendars (for Different Signs): On this page, Aquarius best days for love, career, image, and good attitude are revealed through icons. Challenges show up as lightning rods, while shooting stars point to days of increased opportunity. Generally, you want more planet ...
More Good Days Horoscope Calendars (for Different Signs): Legend Generally, the more planet icons shown on any given calendar day, the better, as these bodies are currently harmonizing with your sign. For example, if the icons for the Moon, Mercury, and the Sun are found on a given day,...
horoscope may 24 2011,imagination,Jefferson Starship,Mercury in Taurus quinqunx Saturn in Libra,mirage,Moon conjunct Neptune,Moon in Pisces,music,poetry,Priscilla Presley horoscope,Priscilla Presley's 66th birthday,prisons,rapture,San Francisco,songwriting,Sun square Neptune,US Supreme Court decision on ...