可以说,《繁花》凭借一己之力,将外滩建筑群的古典、优雅、华美展现得淋漓尽致,也让这个百年上海地标再度火爆。 在外滩的起点还有一间极具历史感的精品高端酒店,它就是上海东方·美仑美奂酒店(Maxx by Steigenberger Shanghai on the Bund)。 酒店距离外滩近在咫尺,坐拥历史悠久的建筑还能欣赏黄浦江、外滩和陆家嘴的...
Maxx by Steigenberger Shanghai on the Bund 地址 上海市黄浦区金陵东路1号 微信:ooonot 电话(同微信):18616300916 邮箱:young@bangmedia.cn 特别声明:以上内容(如有图片或视频亦包括在内)为自媒体平台“网易号”用户上传并发布,本平台仅提供信息存储服务。 Notice: The content above (including the pictures and...
MaxX by Steigenberger Shanghai on the Bund 5 stars out of 5 No.1 Jinling East Road Huang Pu District, The Bund and North Bund, Shanghai, China, 200002 - See map Highlights Hygiene Plus Sparkling clean Located in heart of Shanghai Check-in [24-hour] Excellent room comfort & quality...
上海东方美仑美奂酒店 (MaxX by Steigenberger Shanghai on the Bund) 5等级(最高为5等级) 金陵东路1号, 外滩及北外滩, 上海, 中国, 200002-查看地图 重点设施 卫生优选 位于上海中心 24小时办理入住 设施服务 停车场 所有客房免费WiFi 24小时前台
上海外滩东方商旅精品酒店 - 上海 上海外滩东方商旅精品酒店 (MaxX by Steigenberger Shanghai on the Bund) 地址: 金陵东路1号上海, 200002 住宿类型: 酒店上海外滩东方商旅精品酒店 价格和预订- 预订房间上海外滩东方商旅精品酒店 评论 上海外滩东方商旅精品酒店 平均评分评分8.8 / 10 基于6208 经过验证的用户...
Explore MaxX By Steigenberger on the Bund Shanghai in Shanghai on Trip.com and get our Price Match! View hot deals and great room prices for MaxX By Steigenberger on the Bund Shanghai. Find your perfect room based on real hotel reviews and ratings.
MaxX By Steigenberger Shanghai on the Bund(former Les Suites Orient Bund) overlooks the historic Shanghai Bund and, though the building is new, care has been taken to integrate it it architecturally into the mix of classic Art Deco and Neoclassical facad
Hotel Maxx By Steigenberger Shanghai On The Bund Shanghai - 5 star hotel. Located in The Bund with 3 restaurants and a fitness centre and within 5 minutes' walk of Yuyuan Garden tube station, the 5-star Les Suites Orient, Bund …
金陵東路1號, 外灘&北外灘, 上海, 中國, 200002 很讚 得分自 4558 篇評鑑 8.8 / 10 上海東方美侖美奐酒店 (MaxX by Steigenberger Shanghai on the Bund)住宿評鑑的真實住客評鑑 最佳訂房攻略,來自旅人真心話| 8.8 很讚 得分自 4,558 篇評鑑
Maxx by Steigenberger on the Bund Shanghai puts you in a great location, within a 15-minute walk of The Bund and Yu Garden. Guests can visit the fitness centre for a workout or grab a bite to eat at Cafe DongXi, which serves Asian cuisine and is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner...