4) non-Maxwellian distribution function 非麦克斯韦分布函数 5) Maxwell speed distribution 麦克斯韦速率分布 1. A theoretical method is proposed to design the demonstrator of theMaxwell speed distributionprecisely. 本文提供了一个精确设计麦克斯韦速率分布演示仪的理论方法,可以精确计算出伽尔顿模板底部的滑行曲线。
2) maxwell speed 麦克斯韦速率分布函数 例句>> 3) non-Maxwellian distribution function 非麦克斯韦分布函数4) Maxwell distribution 麦克斯韦分布 1. The article starts with Bridgman distribution, discusses something about Maxwell distribution of relativity particles, and then transfers to non-relativity ...
The software can deal with Maxwell speed distribution function in digital. This paper concerns mainly about the simulation of the speed distribution graph of the Maxwell speed distribution law and the speed distribution graph in different temperatures by using MATLAB Moreover, the three statistics is ...
1 THE MAXWELL-BOLTZMANN DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION In this exercise you will use Excel to create a spreadsheet for the Maxwell-Boltzmann speed distribution and then plot the speed distribution for particles of two different molecular weights and temperatures. By varying the molecular weight and temperature ...
本着类似的原则,Summers(1999)以及 Shizgal(2007)等人通过研究准线性波粒相互作用或者库伦碰撞的速度空间扩散系数(与速度(velocitis)超过热速度的粒子速率(speed)成反比)时考虑 Fokker-Plank(FP)方程的稳定解得到了 Kappa 分布。 同样的,一维静电弗拉索夫(Vlasov)模型也被提出来用以产生 Kappa 分布,另外,低频波与双...
5)Non-Maxwellian velocity distribution非Maxwell速度分布 6)Maxwell speed distributingMaxwell速率分布 1.Through constructing a random model of experiment,computer numerical method is applied to simulate the actual physical procedure of gaseous molecule movement,which proves that the statistical law of gaseous...
1) non-Maxwellian distribution function 非麦克斯韦分布函数 2) maxwell speed 麦克斯韦速率分布函数 例句>> 3) Maxwell distributing function 麦克斯韦分布函数 4) non-Maxwellian distribution 非麦克斯韦分布 1. Application ofnon-Maxwellian distributionfor the ion velocity in calculation of incoherent scattering ...
5) Non-Maxwellian velocity distribution 非Maxwell速度分布6) Maxwell speed distributing Maxwell速率分布 1. Through constructing a random model of experiment,computer numerical method is applied to simulate the actual physical procedure of gaseous molecule movement,which proves that the statistical law ...
2、yu(Tianshui Normal University, College of matter information, Gansu, Tianshui 741001)关键词:MaxWel速度分布律;能量分布律;分子最概然能量;分子平均能量Abstract: Nearly independent particles in the equilibrium state under the moving speed of the molecular velocity distribution law MaxWell speed used in ...
5) Maxwell speed distributing Maxwell速率分布 1. Through constructing a random model of experiment,computer numerical method is applied to simulate the actual physical procedure of gaseous molecule movement,which proves that the statistical law of gaseous molecule Maxwell speed distributing is tru ...