Classroom 和 Maxon One Student 中?是的!当前和未来的 Maxon One Classroom 和 Maxon One Student ...
Maxon Maxon One Software说明书 1 Maxon O ne U ser G uide This document provides step-by-step instructions on how to activate your Maxon One Subscription. STEP 1 - Get the Promo Code for student license STEP 2 - Purchase licenses / Activate Promo Code, and Create a MyMaxon Account Suppo...
The Surface Imperfections Volume 1 texture library was created by David Gruwier and is licensed by Maxon for royalty-free use by Cinema 4D and Maxon One subscribers. Uses for some of the tiled textures include: Glossiness or anisotropy maps to add realistic surface imperfections to reflective surfa...
In the end it was a massive waste of time and they told me I couldn't use a student discount code because I had bought one of their products in the past. I cannot for the life of me understand why a previous purchase-made before I even started college-disqualifies me as a student ...
CLS is one of the Best Performing training centers in DEPI Initiative, they are very organized, they provided their own LMS which helped our team in monitoring and reporting, their instructors were all very professional and above expectations.Business...
It's been over a decade of StramaXon, and since I started blogging on things I learn, do and want to share with people. Blogger was the first choice back then, it was free and what else can be a better deal breaker for a young student to start his own website. ...
I have the Adobe CC student edition for classes, but never ever installed this or even heard of it. I exclusively do video editing and graphics design, never any 3D design, ever. Why did it randomly install itself today? How do I uninstall it? Is it safe to be he...
I think you may have missed where I'm in full agreement that there should be a custom installer that allows one to deselect Cinema4D Lite regardless of the loss of application functionality. Especially now that it's obvious that user documentation is not enough for some users, it ca...
a student from a college that’s syllabi made us of it … Whatever your initial cause for coming across it, please consider the fingers at the keyboard behind it. Maybe share the post so that more eyes can see it. Or, if you’ve got some spare cash, you can alwayspurchase a bookto...
I’ve attended it for almost two decades now, first as a young student, now as a panelist, and it remains the best con I’ve been to for being all about writing. With hundreds of authors and panels talking about all sorts of writing topics, from the basic to the specific (there’s...