下载后,我们将其解压到d盘,具体的安装文档参看 GeoIP City Database Installation Instructions MaxMind提供多种api接口,如:perl, java,...python, c, php, c#等,我们这里使用c#(,这个...
From the side menu in your account portal, you can select“Download Files”to download GeoLite2 databases in binary or CSV format. You can select“Manage License Keys”to generate a license key, which can be used to automate GeoLite2 binary database downloads with theGeoIP Updateprogram or...
MaxMind providesRSSandJSONfeeds, allowing you to monitor changes to our minFraud, GeoIP, and GeoLite web service server IP addresses. Database download IP addresses You can view a list of Cloudflare IP ranges that may be used to serve MaxMind database downloads on their website. ...
1、下载geoip数据库 wget gunzip GeoLiteCity.dat.gz 2、logstash的filter中加入geoip配置即可 if[message] !~"^127\.|^192\.168\.|^172\.1[6-9]\.|^172\.2[0-9]\.|^172\.3[01]\.|^10\."{ geoip { source=>"...
首先,您需要去Maxmind官网上注册一个免费帐户,并申请一个免费的GeoLite2License密钥。...地址是 申请的密钥请牢记,因为之后在网上是看不到密钥的。...1 wget "在Location Database里面填入之前用来下载...
GeoIP2 数据库,此数据库只能查到国家。如果,想精确查到城市的话,可以用MaxMind网站的数据库 MaxMindDB2018-10-18 上传大小:1820KB 所需:17积分/C币 mod_maxminddb:MaxMind DB Apache模块 ...
open('/path/to/GeoLite2.mmdb'); const location = lookup.get('2001:4860:0:1001::3004:ef68'); Options, [options]) filepath: <string> Path to the binary mmdb database file. options: <Object> cache: <Object> Cache options. Under the bonnet module uses tiny-...
my $download = ''; my $local = 'GeoLite2-City.mmdb'; my $output = '/etc/logstash/GeoLite2-Custom.mmdb'; my $tar = Archive::Tar->new; # Check if local downlaod is fresh ... Download database file over HTTPS Apr 25, 2017 Re-enabled download functionality and fixed info lookup Mar 1, 2015 Initial commit Feb 28, 2015 README License maxminddb-geolite2 Description maxminddb-geolite2 is a library that provides access to MaxMind's...
databases directory of this repo will always contain up-to-date database files, which you can download directly via CDN: