Additionally, keep in mind that the maximum index length is approximately 1000 bytes. Check out the documentation for creating an index on MySQL version 5.0 at Solution 3: Prefer employing varchar, or even binary, rather than ...
character_maximum_length reports a extremely high value, which does not seem to relate to reality: this is the table structure: CREATE TABLE `multiqueue` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `uuid` varchar(36) NOT NULL, ...
MySQL supports 4 TEXT field types (TINYTEXT, TEXT, MEDIUMTEXT and LONGTEXT) and this post looks at the maximum length of each of these field types. MyISAM tables in MySQL have a maximum size of a row of 65,535 bytes, so all the data in a row must fit within that limit. However, ...
Category:MySQL Server: Information schemaSeverity:S3 (Non-critical) Version:5.7.20OS:Ubuntu (17.10) Assigned to:CPU Architecture:Any [7 Nov 2017 10:23] Paul Campbell Description:CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH and CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH for LONGTEXT data_type reported in information_schema.routines and in...
ERROR 1071 (42000): Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes create table raw_log_meta_data( id bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, app_id varchar(64), user_id varchar(128), file_path varchar(255), device_id varchar(128), ...
id=99791However if you have a table that was already created with row_format=Compact from previous versions, you can still successfully perform a bad ALTER TABLE and corrupt the table.How to repeat:1. Starting with MySQL 8.0.21 USE test; CREATE TABLE bad ( a VARCHAR(100) CHARACTER SET ...
InnoDB tables that use the REDUNDANT or COMPACT row format have a limit of 767 bytes for the index key prefix length. If you have a column prefix index that exceeds 191 characters on a VARCHAR or TEXT column with a character set of utf8mb4 and a maximum of 4 bytes per character, you...
2 rows in set (0.00 sec) 疑惑:varchar(N),这个N不是最大为65535吗?为什么设置成12288就会报错?12288比65535小很多啊。 有问题上官网: In contrast toCHAR,VARCHARvalues are stored as a 1-byte or 2-byte length prefix plus data. The length pref...
device_idvarchar(128), update_timeDATETIME,PRIMARYKEY(id),UNIQUEKEY(user_id),UNIQUEKEY(file_path) ) ENGINE=InnoDBDEFAULTCHARSET=utf8; ERROR1071(42000): Specifiedkeywas toolong;maxkeylengthis767bytes MySQL用1到2个额外字节记录该字段的长度,当字段长度小于等于255时使用1个字节记录字段长度,当长度大于...
I've tried but I'm not able to do the appropiate *** query. Any help? Thanks a lot! Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed. This forum is currently read only. You can not log in or make any changes. This is a temporary situation. Content...