ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000 导致这个问题的原因是因为SQL语句中用到了IN字句,结果IN中的元素个数超过了1000导致了这个错误。如下所示... declare l_cnt pls_integer; l_listvarchar2(32767); begin selectlistagg(level,',') WITHINgroup(orderbylevel) intol_list fromdual...
when the inventory transaction quantity is specified as a decimal value that is below the level of precision that the field supports. For example, a quantity of0.5has been specified for an inventory transaction, but only integer quantities are supported. Therefore, the value should be1instead...
ms-DS-Integer ms-DS-IntId ms-DS-is-domain-for ms-DS-is-full-replica-for ms-DS-isGC ms-DS-is-partial-replica-for ms-DS-is-Possible-Values-Present ms-DS-Is-Primary-Computer-For ms-DS-isRODC ms-DS-is-used-as-resource-Security-Attribute ms-DS-is-user-cachable-at-Rodc ms-DS-Key...
Accurate Integer part from double number Acess an arraylist from another class? Activator.Createinstance for internal constructor Active Directory Error: Unknown Error (0x80005000) Active Directory problem: Check if a user exists in C#? Active Directory User does not assign User logon name and User...
Intensively used function in view needs a minimum and maximum from a table by: Hennie de Nooijer | last post by: I have a problem (who not?) with a function which i'm using in a view. This function is a function which calculates a integer value of a date. For example: '12/31...
Find the maximum value in Excel with the condition of being absolute. Method 7 – Getting Maximum Value in One Column When Number Is Integer Only Steps: Select cellD5. Use the following formula. =MAX(INT(B5:B11)) Breakdown of the Formula ...
When the limit is exceeded, an exception is raised internally, which eventually results in the error message shown above. An example process call stack when the error is thrown is shown below: Repro DECLARE @SQL varchar(max); SET @SQL = ' DECLARE @S integer, @A int...
Computing the maximum value of an integer series in MongoDB If we push this to MongoDB, it can theoretically optimize the operation better than the application code. For example, MongoDB could use the index for theidfield to aid in determining the maximum value, or in sorting the elements?
udfcol3: org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.UserDefinedFunction=UserDefinedFunction(<function2>,MapType(IntegerType,IntegerType,false),Some(List(StringType,StringType))) scala>valdf3 = df2.withColumn("max_min",myudfcol3( concat_ws(",",col("col3list")), concat_ws(",",...
getProperty("main.datasource.maximum-pool-size", Integer.class, 10)); hikariConfig.setConnectionTestQuery("SELECT 1"); hikariConfig.setPoolName(config.getProperty("main.datasource.poolName")); hikariConfig.addDataSourceProperty("dataSource.cachePrepStmts", "true"); hikariConfig.addDataSource...