Therefore, multiple beams or scans with different PRF are required to determine the unambiguous range of the target. The ambiguous range detection mode increases the detection range and track duration of a radar at the expense of additional false alarms. To quantify the improvement of the ambiguous...
Therefore, multiple beams or scans with different PRF are required to determine the unambiguous range of the target. The ambiguous range detection mode increases the detection range and track duration of a radar at the expense of additional false alarms. To quantify the improvement of the ambiguous...
相位中图分类号:TN957文献标识码:A文章编号:1001 2400 2014 05 0042 06UnambiguousestimationoftheradialvelocityofamovingtargetbytherangefrequencymaximumlikelihoodmethodZHANGXuepan,LIAOGuisheng,ZHUShengqi,GAOYongchan,YANGDong(NationalKeyLab.ofRadarSignalProcessing,XidianUniv.,Xi’an710071,China)Abstract:Theradial...
An attempt is made to provide a set of standardized, unambiguous, and mutually compatible range-factor definitions. An appendix presents a work-sheet for range calculation, together with curves, tables, and auxiliary equations needed for evaluating some of the range-equation quantities. (Author)...