1) Maximum Pseudo-Likelihood method 极大拟似然方法 2) Maximum likelihood method 极大似然方法 1. And then, the transformation parameter is chosen by the maximum likelihood method. 提出了广义BoxCox变换,即对因变量进行BoxCox变换及对自变量进行某种变换,然后用极大似然方法确定变换参数,最后用广义BoxCox...
Gang Liang,Bin Yu.Maximum pseudo likelihood estimation in network tomography.IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 2003Gang Liang,Bin Yu.Maximum pseudo likelihood estimation in network tomography. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing . 2003G. Liang and B. Yu, "Maximum pseudo-likelihood estimation ...
Drouilhet. Asymptotic properties of the maximum pseudo-likelihood es- timator for stationary gibbs point processes including the lennard-jones model. submitted, 2009. http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00442750/.Coeurjolly, J.F. and Drouilhet, R. (2010). Asymptotic properties of the maxi- ...
1) model maximum pseudo likelihood estimation 极大拟似然估计 例句>> 2) quasi-maximum likelihood estimators 拟极大似然估计 1. In this paper,the comparison is qiven between the random simulation of the maximum likelihood estimators and thequasi-maximum likelihood estimatorsof the population-averaged tre...
A pseudo likelihood approach is proposed to solve a group of network tomography problems. The basic idea of pseudo likelihood is to form simple subproblems and ignore the dependences among the subproblems to form a product likelihood of the subproblems. As a result, this approach keeps a good ...
(1985). Pseudo Maximum-Likelihood Estimation for the Dirichlet-Multinomial Distribution. Commun Stat-Theor M, 14, 2293-2311.Chuang, C. and Cox, C. (1985). Pseudo maximum likelihood estimation for the Dirichlet- multinomial distribution. Communications in Statistics Part A: Theory and Methods 14,...
The simulation results confirm that the maximum pseudo-likelihood approach is statistically consistent even when the species tree is in the anomaly zone. We applied our method, Maximum Pseudo-likelihood for Estimating Species Trees (MP-EST) to a mammal dataset. The four major clades found in the...
Maximum pseudolikelihood (MPL) estimators are useful alternatives to maximum likelihood (ML) estimators when likelihood functions are more difficult to manipulate than their marginal and conditional components. Furthermore, MPL estimators subsume a large number of estimation techniques including ML estimators...
747–764. [2,3,5,6,7,10,12] 因此,全似然函数是估计所有的参数,伪似然是待估参数中一部分已经估计出来了,用估计值带入到全似然函数中,估计剩下的参数。 剖面似然: 参考:ShaoJun :Mathematical Statistics: Exercises and Solutions P221