The length of the given array will be in range [3,104] and all elements are in the range [-1000, 1000]. Multiplication of any three numbers in the input won't exceed the range of 32-bit signed integer. 这个题目本质上是一个数学题,需要细心观察才可以得到答案,考虑输入数据分布的几种情形:...
代码 class Solution: def maximumProduct(self, nums: List[int]) -> int: max1, max2, max3, min1, min2 = float('-Inf'), float('-Inf'), float('-Inf'), float('Inf'), float('Inf') for num in nums: if num > max1: max3, max2, max1 = max2, max1, num elif num > ma...
The length of the given array will be in range [3,104] and all elements are in the range [-1000, 1000]. Multiplication of any three numbers in the input won't exceed the range of 32-bit signed integer. 分析:题目要求给一个数组,求出这个数组三个数字乘积的最大值。乍一看比较简单,就是...
Given an integer array, find three numbers whose product is maximum and output the maximum product. Example 1: Input: [1,2,3] Output: 6 1. 2. Example 2: Input: [1,2,3,4] Output: 24 1. 2. 方法一:先排序,考虑数组正负情况, 有点啰嗦但逻辑易懂 int maximumProduct(vector<int>& nums...
# @lc id=628 lang=python # # [628] 三个数的最大乘积 # # @lc code=start class Solution(object): def maximumProduct(self, nums): """ :type nums: List[int] :rtype: int """ negative_nums = [num for num in nums if num < 0] positive_nums = [num for num ...
Multiplication of any three numbers in the input won't exceed the range of 32-bit signed integer. Solution O(N^3)的暴力破解会超时,这道题的核心思想其实是已知要求3个数的乘积最大,那么要么是数组里面三个最大的正数之积,要么就是最小的两个负数乘上最大的正数。
421 Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array 数组中两个数的最大异或值 Description:Given an integer ar...
LeetCode(421):数组中两个数的最大异或值 Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array(Java) 2019.11.20 LeetCode 从零单刷个人笔记整理(持续更新) github: 如果想用o(n)的方法找到最大的异或值,根本思路是将n^2的遍历计算转换成32n的按位匹配。这题可以用两种...
LeetCode[421] Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array Given a non-emptyarrayof numbers, a0, a1, a2, … , an-1, where 0 ≤ ai < 231. Find the maximum result of ai XOR aj, where 0 ≤ i, j < n. Could you do this in O(n) runtime?
Can you solve this real interview question? Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array - Given an integer array nums, return the maximum result of nums[i] XOR nums[j], where 0 <= i <= j < n. Example 1: Input: nums = [3,10,5,25,2,8] Output: 28 Explanati