01 看题和准备 今天介绍的是LeetCode算法题中Easy级别的第143题(顺位题号是628)。给定一个整数数组,从其中找出三个数,使得乘积最大。例如: 输入:[1,2,3] 输出:6 输入:[1,2,3,4] 输出:24 注意: 数组的长度范围为[3,10^4],元素值范围为[-1000,1000]。 任意三个数字的乘积不会超过32位有符号整数...
leetcode 628. Maximum Product of Three Numbers(三个数的最大乘积)--Java题解,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
The length of the given array will be in range [3,104] and all elements are in the range [-1000, 1000]. Multiplication of any three numbers in the input won't exceed the range of 32-bit signed integer. 这道题博主刚开始看的时候,心想直接排序,然后最后三个数字相乘不就完了,心想不会这么...
The length of the given array will be in range [3,104] and all elements are in the range [-1000, 1000]. Multiplication of any three numbers in the input won't exceed the range of 32-bit signed integer. 这道题博主刚开始看的时候,心想直接排序,然后最后三个数字相乘不就完了,心想不会这么...
Multiplication of any three numbers in the input won't exceed the range of 32-bit signed integer. 题目描述: 给定一个整型数组,在数组中找出由三个数组成的最大乘积,并输出这个乘积。 示例: 示例1: 输入: [1,2,3] 输出: 6 示例2: 输入: [1,2,3,4] ...
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Multiplication of any three numbers in the input won't exceed the range of 32-bit signed integer. 题解: 最大的product只有两种情况, max1*max2*max3 和 max1*min1*min2. iterate遍array 更新这几个值 最后比较两者间选大的. Time Complexity: O(nums.length). ...