MATLAB Online에서 열기 Unless I don’t understand what you want, you can use the max function with two outputs. For example, to get the maximum along the third dimension of a 3-dimensional matrix, and then get the corresponding elements from another matrix of the same size this ... To find the indices of all the locations where the maximum value (of the whole matrix) appears, you can use the "find" function. ThemeCopy maximum = max(max(A)...
M= max(A,[],"all")finds the maximum over all elements ofA. example M= max(A,[],dim)returns the maximum element along dimensiondim. For example, ifAis a matrix, thenmax(A,[],2)returns a column vector containing the maximum value of each row. ...
더 보기 홈 질문하기 답변 찾아보기 MATLAB FAQ 더 보기 how can I find the maximum value in each row of a matrix and sum along the column then assign the values to another matrix팔로우 조회 수: 1 (...
matlabmaximumsearchprogramtocinteger M a x i m u m M A T L A B J oh n B u r k a r d t D e p a r t m e n t of S c i e n t i fi c C om p u t i n g F l or i d a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y . . . . . . . . . . S y m b...
From the code, I got the maximum value off from the matrix, however the location is not right. ThemeCopy max_num = 40 X = 4 Y = 5 The X and Y should have display X = 9 , Y = 1 , instead it displays X = 4 , Y = 5. I don't know what is wrong with my cod...
[___] = maxObj(I,label,labelNumbers)returns the maximum of the input image for a region the labels specified in thelabelNumbersvector. The regions are defined and labeled in thelabelmatrix. [___,flag] = maxObj(I,label,labelNumbers)additionally returns a flag to indicate whether the input...
this is a vector operation: in one shot, you operate on all elements, without having to use a loop. Now if you look up for element-wise operations in MATLAB, you will realize that for operators which have a matrix definition, like the product ...
Correct. For the dtw() command, a matrix is created, which has the sizes of the inputs as side lengths. This means, that 2 huge signals create a huge^2 matrix. If this exhausts your memory, you need more memory or smaller inputs.There is no mag...