Each energy level or shell can be subdivided into electron subshells which contains specific number of orbitals where the electrons can be found. Answer and Explanation: The answer is (c) 14. The 4f sublevels like any f sublevels contain seven orbitals. Since each...
lettersignifieswhichshelltheorbital(s)arein.Sothe7sorbitalwillbeinthe 7thshell. n Eachkindoforbitalhasadifferent"shape",asyoucansee onthepicturebelow.Youcanalsoseethat: Nowforthedifferentkindsoforbitals Thes-kindhasonlyoneorbital Thep-kindhasthreeorbitals 9/8/1410:41AMphysicalchemistry-maximumnumberof...
Quantum numbers show that no matter how random the movements of the electrons in an atomic system are, they will always be systematic to a certain level. That is possible because the positions of electrons are partially determined through the shells and orbitals. These are the most...
The reason that the inner-shell Ge 4sorbital is present in the VBM is illustrated through an atomic orbital picture (Fig.1c): the Ge 4sand 4porbitals are too far apart in energy to hybridize directly4,34; and the Se 4porbital is close to the Ge 4sorbital in energy, allowing these to...
What is the maximum number of electrons that can occupy the n = 4 shell? What is the total number of orbitals possible at the l = 2 sublevel? what is the maximum number of electrons that can have n =4, ml= -1 in an atom.? How many more atomic orbitals does a "d...