Each energy level or shell can be subdivided into electron subshells which contains specific number of orbitals where the electrons can be found. Answer and Explanation: The answer is (c) 14. The 4f sublevels like any f sublevels contain seven orbitals. Since each...
lettersignifieswhichshelltheorbital(s)arein.Sothe7sorbitalwillbeinthe 7thshell. n Eachkindoforbitalhasadifferent"shape",asyoucansee onthepicturebelow.Youcanalsoseethat: Nowforthedifferentkindsoforbitals Thes-kindhasonlyoneorbital Thep-kindhasthreeorbitals 9/8/1410:41AMphysicalchemistry-maximumnumberof...
Quantum numbers show that no matter how random the movements of the electrons in an atomic system are, they will always be systematic to a certain level. That is possible because the positions of electrons are partially determined through the shells and orbitals. These are the most...
To solve the question regarding the maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in an orbital according to the Pauli Exclusion Principle, we can follow these steps:1. Understanding the Pauli Exclusion Principle: Th
The reason that the inner-shell Ge 4sorbital is present in the VBM is illustrated through an atomic orbital picture (Fig.1c): the Ge 4sand 4porbitals are too far apart in energy to hybridize directly4,34; and the Se 4porbital is close to the Ge 4sorbital in energy, allowing these to...
What is the smallest value of quantum number, n for this electron? (n has no units) 2) Calculate the magnitude of the angular momentum for an l= 1 electron. For an electron, what is the number of possible m values if the angular quantum number is l = 2?...
What is the maximum number of electrons that can occupy the n = 4 shell? What is the total number of orbitals possible at the l = 2 sublevel? what is the maximum number of electrons that can have n =4, ml= -1 in an atom.?