A practical realistic upper limit on the conversion ratio of the boost converter is five times. This leads to an upper limit of the duty cycle of 0.8. A conservative value of D = 0.9 will be selected for the controller design. Using the parameters shown in Table 1, and considering the ...
33..33.. PPhhaarrmmaaccookkiinneettiiccss TThhee pphhaarrmmaaccookkiinneettiicc pprroofifillee ooff IIPP--aaddmmiinniisstteerreeddCCaannttrriixxiillwwaass mmuullttiieexxppoonneennttiiaall,,aanndd cchhaarraacctteerriizzeedd bbyy aa rraappiidd iinnccrreeaassee iinn ssyysstteemmiicc ccoon...
3.13. GTehneetDicEAmlgoerthitohmd i(sGuAs)eMd feothrobdoth dynamic modeling of PV modules and MPPT designing, and has Tthhreeegekneeytifceaatlugroersi:th(mi) iitsisacampeatbalheeuorfisdteictersmeairncihngopthtiemciozrarteioctnGmMePthPodregbaarsdeldessonofbtihoeloigniictaial l ePvVoluptaiora...