A proof of the maximum principle is presented which is extremely general and, at the simple time, simple in its details and very explicit. Apart from its intrinsic merit, it is hoped that the method of proof will help simplify adaptation of the principle to novel applications and generalize ...
However, due to the close proximity (<1 km) of present-day glaciers, it is likely that these features were formed during late-glacial ice advances. Trimlines in Mattertal are not well developed because of the variable and weathering-susceptible bedrock lithologies. However, between Zermatt and...
How to create a form for a model which embeds a model that inherits two children in rails 4 I am trying to create a form for one of my models named Property which embeds another model named LateFeePolicy. LateFeePolicy is parent of two child classes: and The question is how can I dy...
This would harmonise food safety standards for lead in meats traded across and imported into the EU.doi:10.1007/s13280-020-01336-6Vernon G. ThomasDeborah J. PainNiels KanstrupRhys E. GreenAMBIO A Journal of the Human Environment
The consistency and asymptotic normality of a pro- posed maximum likelihood estimator are proven. A bootstrap procedure that can be used for constructing confidence intervals is considered, and its asymptotic validity is shown. A simulation study investigates the performance of the suggested methods....
STANDARD MAXIMUM HEART RATE (MHR) EQUATIONS DO NOT PREDICT MHR IN SEDENTARY POPULATIONS 869An abstract is unavailable.doi:10.1097/00005768-199705001-00868J. A. DifferdingC. R. ColfleshP. G. SnellA. B. StrasnerE. ObarzanekOvid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)Medicine & Science in...
RELIABILITY OF DIAGNOSTIC INDEX FOR THE MAXIMUM MOUTH OPENING ASSESSMENTSanela, Struji-PoroviAlma, Glamo-GavranoviLejla, BerhamoviAmela, onlagiAlma, Kamber-esirEmir, BerhamoviStomatological Review / Stomatoloki Vjesnik
STANDARD MAXIMUM HEART RATE (MHR) EQUATIONS DO NOT PREDICT MHR IN SEDENTARY POPULATIONS 869Differding, J. A.Colflesh, C. R.Snell, P. G.Strasner, A. B.Levine, B. D.Pruitt, L.O'Toole, M.Taylor, J. L.Obarzanek, E.Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise...
The longest flood-poor period of 19years has been found for the upper quartile threshold.EwaBogdanowiczWitoldG.StrupczewskiKrzysztofKochanekSpringer International Publishing
The dependence of the maximum of the photoactive Pchlide-POR-NADPH complexes on the Pchlide:POR ratio.Michał, GabrukAnna, SteckaWojciech, StrzałkaJerzy, KrukKazimierz, StrzałkaBeata, MysliwaKurdziel