最大帮助最大流问题Flowflow反馈意见 系统标签: maximumproblemflowrelabelalgorithmbipartite Two-Level Push-Relabel Algorithm for the Maximum Flow Problem Andrew V. Goldberg Microsoft Research – Silicon Valley 1065 La Avenida, Mountain View, CA 94062. goldberg@microsoft Abstract. We describe a two-level...
Starting from this flow, the problem is then solved to optimality using some known max-flow methods. By extensive experiments on random instances and on instances coming from applications in theoretical physics and in computer vision, we show that a suitable combination of the proposed techniques ...
The maximum flow problem seeks the maximum possible flow in a capacitated network from a specified source node s to a specified sink node t without exceeding the capacity of any arc. A closely related problem is the minimum cut problem , which is to find a set of arcs with the smallest ...
We provide a comprehensive study on network flow problems with arc reversal capabilities. The problem is to identify the arcs to be reversed in order to achieve a maximum flow from source(s) to sink(s). The problem finds its applications in emergency transportation management, where the lanes ...
The first part of the chapter presents an overview of the main existing results for the classical maximum flow problem. The maximum flow problem is one of the most studied optimization problems in the last decades. Besides its many practical applications, it also arises as a subproblem of ...
This paper describes an efficient Monte Carlo sampling plan for estimating the distribution of maximum flow in a directed network whose arcs have random capacities. Such a network can be used to represent a multistate system whose multistate components (capacities) are subject to random deterioration...
Two typical algorithms, i.e., Dinic flow decomposition barrier Algorithms and Goldberg Rao flow decomposition barrier Algorithms to tackle with the maximum-flow problem of networks were elaborated in details.关键词: maximum-flow problem algorithm flow decomposition barrier ...
A solution to the maximum flow problem of network transmission via MPLS is proposed in this paper. Mathematic method is first put forward to address the problem, an introduction to a unique method of dividing the data flow into micro branch flows. The process of setting up LSP on the basis...
Stability 摘要 This paper presents an optimization technique for solving a maximum flow problem arising in widespread applications in a variety of settings. On the basis of the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) optimality conditions, a neural network model is constructed. The equilibrium point of the propose...
A linear time method to decide if any inverse maximum flow (denoted General Inverse Maximum Flow problems (IMFG)) problem has solution is deduced. If IMFG does not have solution, methods to transform IMFG into a feasible problem are presented. The methods consist of modifying as little as ...