“Maximum permissible dose.” Merriam-Webster.com Medical Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/medical/maximum%20permissible%20dose. Accessed 13 Aug. 2024. Copy Citation Share Post the Definition of maximum permissible dose to Facebook Facebook Share the Definition of ma...
Looking for online definition of maximum tolerable dose in the Medical Dictionary? maximum tolerable dose explanation free. What is maximum tolerable dose? Meaning of maximum tolerable dose medical term. What does maximum tolerable dose mean?
NoTotal Maximum Daily Loadshave been developed for sodium acifluorfen. Additionally, there is no maximum contaminant level for acifluorfen. The Health Advisories for a 10-kg child is 2mgl−1(1-day and 10-day), with a Reference Dose of 0.01mgkg−1day−1and a Drinking Water Equivale...
Fig. 3.Impact of metronomic chemotherapy frequency and dose on anti-tumor innate immune responses. (A) Impact of metronomic frequency on tumor NK cell response. Chemotherapy administration that is too frequent (daily and Q3d in the glioma models studied[69]) causes ablation of responding NK ce...
Define maximum residue limits. maximum residue limits synonyms, maximum residue limits pronunciation, maximum residue limits translation, English dictionary definition of maximum residue limits. n. 1. The remainder of something after removal of parts or
Definition: themaximumtemperaturereachedby a compost in standardised conditions as an indicator of the state of its aerobic biological activity, Definicija:najvišatemperatura koju jepostigaokompost u normiranim uvjetima kao indikator stanja njegove aerobne biološke aktivnosti, ...
2015 JMPR as part of the periodic review program of CCPR.The compound has an ADI of 0-0.001 mg/kg bw and an ARfD of 0.003 mg/kg bw.The residue definition for compliance with the MRL and dietary risk assessment for plant and animal commodities is avermectin B1a.The residue is fat-...
The timing of nuclear decay isn’t just an approximation to the mathematical ideal, or an excellent approximation, or even asymptotically converging to the mathematical definition — rather (insofar as present-day physics has understood nuclear decay) a perfect embodiment of the idealized mathematical ...
Definition of Emergency Dentist Services Emergency dentist services refer to dental treatment provided outside regular business hours to address urgent oral health issues. These services cater to dental emergencies like severe toothaches, fractured or knocked-out teeth, excessive bleeding, injury to the ...
maximum permissible concentration noun : the maximum concentration of radioactive material in body tissue that is regarded as acceptable and not producing significant deleterious effects on the human organism —abbreviation MPC See the full definition maximum permissible dose noun ...