M. Pardalos (1990), An Exact Algorithm for the Maximum Clique Problem,Operations Research Letters 9, 375–382. Google Scholar R. Carraghan and P. M. Pardalos (1990), A Parallel Algorithm for the Maximum Weight Clique Problem, Technical Report CS-90-40, Dept. of Computer Science, Penn....
Algorithms for the maximum clique problem are presented. The performance of the algorithms is evaluated, using computer implementations on several random graphs with up to 3000 vertices and over one million edges. As benchmarks, two algorithms are used that appeared to be the fastest algorithms ...
The separation problem requires solving the MCP in a number of induced subgraphs G[V∖Vw], where Vw is a feasible interdiction strategy. To solve each MCP exactly, we have designed a specific branch-and-bound (B&B) algorithm inspired by the ideas described in Li, Jiang, and Manyá (2017...
摘要: It is known that the maximum cardinality cut problem is NP-hard even in chordal graphs. In this paper, we consider the time complexity of the problem in proper interval graphs, a subclass of chordal graphs, and propose a dynamic programming algorithm which runs in polynomial-time....
Some inapproximability results for the problem of finding a maximum induced matching in bounded degree graphs are given in [11]. Gotthilf and Lewenstein [21] give a (0.75d+0.15)-approximation algorithm for the Maximum Induced Matching problem in d-regular graphs. It is interesting whether ...
[ 20 , algorithm 1], one can use a graph-theoretic approach in order to check, whether a given bent function f on \({\mathbb {f}}_2^n\) belongs to \({\mathcal {m}}^{\#}\) . let \(g=(v,e)\) be a graph with the vertex-set \(v={\mathbb {f}}_2^n\) and the ...
There exist several algorithms for the problem with acceptable runtimes for certain classes of graphs, but many of them are infeasible for massive graphs. We present a new exact algorithm that employs novel pruning techniques and is able to quickly find maximum cliques in large sparse graphs. ...
The linear time algorithm to solve the maximum independent set problem on a chordal graph G [15], [21] makes use of a perfect elimination scheme for the graph: an ordering v1v2,…,vn of vertices of G such that N(vi) in G[{vi,…,vn}] is a clique (making vi a simplicial vertex...
This algorithm performs this action as part of the Maximum-2-Pack-Unicycle algorithm. We also assume that the source vertex vi,0 is the root of tih. Similarly, the source vertex vi,0 is the root of the tree for a clique block Bi. Almost all the algorithms described in this paper ...
The algorithm has been applied to the maximum clique problem, and favorably compared with other more specialized technique.Fabio AbbattistaFrancesco BellifemineDonato DalbisOn-line world conference on soft computing inengineering design and manufacturing...