工单(work order, WO) 一种记录,其中包含必须执行的工作的相关信息。 工作计划 (work plan) 完成工单所需的操作、员工、物料和工具的列表。Y Y 值偏移 (Y-offset) 垂直于线性资产方向的距离。例如,限速标牌位于公路右侧 10 英尺处。“右侧”是正数,“左侧”是负数。因此,Y 值偏移是 10。 yorn 用户可以输入...
資産テンプレート (asset template) 複数の資産レコードで共有されている資産情報を指定するレコード。資産テンプレートは、既存の資産レコードに適用するか、保有車両など、類似資産用に複数の新規資産レコードを生成するために使用できます。
JobPlantemplate AnotherenhancementtotheJobPlanapplicationincludestheadditionoftheJob PlanTemplatefield.Thisfieldhasadomainassociatedwithit,pre-populated withthreechoices: Maintenance Activity Process ThisfieldenableslogicalgroupingofJobPlans,sothatuserinterfacesmaybe conditionallyaltered. TaskandWorkOrderownership JobPlan...
IBM Maximo Asset Managementis a comprehensive core module that supports regular asset monitoring throughout your enterprise. It allows you to classify items/assets using conditional expressions in the asset template and define sequences, class, identity and other features. The solution also helps you ...
Template deployed resources (VNet, Storage Accounts, Bastion, JumpBox...etc) Installer (IPI) deployed resources (control nodes, worker nodes, load balancers...etc) After these 2 resource groups are created, you will need to grant Owner or Contributor + User Access Administrator to the SPN on...
If there is a commonly used robot configuration, a template can be created so that the Auto Configure mechanism can be used to quickly configure a robot of this type. The logic to detect a runaway op mode (both in the LinearOpMode and OpMode types) and to abort the run, then auto ...
Maximo is a creative services agency specializing in branding and strategic design. We are a full service strategic design firm.
The fields above the sections are displayed in applications that use classification such as Assets, Locations, Item Master, Job Plans, Work Orders, Ticket Template and more. All classification attributes are related to the application listed in the Use With section, as shown in the Figure 2-18...
Work Management and Planning -Given that an IBM Maximo Asset Management V 7.5 work order may exist in a multiple work order hierarchy, explain how these work orders are related so that the user will be able to utilize the operational benefit of this functionality.-Given that a user has secur...
Even though our IBM Certified Associate IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.5 Fundamentals study material has received the warm reception and quick sale worldwide, in order to help as many workers as possible to pass the actual exam and get the certification successfully, we still keep a favorable pri...