Itemstatus MaximoAssetManagementV7.1addstheabilitytomanageItemsandInventory basedonarobustsetofstatusrulesandcapabilities.Userscantrackand managethelifecycleofitemsfromcreationtoobsolescenceateachfunctional area(Item,Organization,andInventory).WiththeintroductionofItemStatus, itemrecordscanbe“workflowed”toenforceacust...
In the Work Order Tracking application, when the work order status changes to WMATL, duplicate WMATL records are created in the work order history. IJ18517 Work Order Tracking In the Work Order Tracking application, when you change the duration value for a work order, the Refresh Schedule ...
Describe work orders, child work orders and tasks, plans and actual on a work order, work order status change life cycle, creation of Job Plans Topic 6 Describe set up and use of meters, moving, modifying and swapping assets, use of warranty contracts for assets ...
IBM’s asset management system Maximo provides robust work order functionality. The solution allows you to create, modify, print and track work orders and build hierarchies. The solution also automates work order requests through resource planning and material availability. It also allows you to sche...
We have created work order synonym statuses, and we have created escalations that evaluate the current work order status in order to set the value on the work order owner group, based upon that current status of the work order. Additionally, we are providing Start Centers with query-based ...
of these statuses can have one or more external values, like waiting for approval can have external values: pending verification, waiting for vendor to confirm, pending final approval. This way you can group these statuses logically so later you can define rules for those groups in applications....
Rules and conversion Maximo destination Data type Length Required Null STATUSDATE Datetime 10 1 Null ACCEPTINGWFMAIL YORN 2 1 Null WOPRIORITY Integer 4 0 Null LOCTOSERVREQ YORN 2 1 Null PERSONUID Integer 4 1 Null DISPLAYNAME_LON LongALN 32000 0 GDESCRIPTION Null NP_STATUSMEMO ALN 50 0 ...
Rules Go To Configuration Workflow Escalations Go To Configuration * 编辑完成后,点击Select Action下的Validate Process、Enable Process和 Activate Process 启动Work Flow * Field Control Maximo * * Field Control Go To configurationField Control Field Control是Maximo对Object中每个字段进行控制的模块,它包括...
BudgetChangeStatusSet, BudgetFlagSet, BudgetGenSet, BudgetLineSet, BudgetMonitoredSet, BudgetRuleAssociationSet, BudgetRuleProcSet, BudgetRuleProcTransSet, BudgetRuleSet, BudgetRuleTransactionDateSet, BudgetSet, BudgetStatusSet, BudgetUpdateSet, BuildingModelSet, CalcWorkHoursSet, CalendarBreakSet, CalendarSet...
In programming languages, a combination of terms and operators that can be evaluated to a single value by using the rules of precedence for the given language. external PO Seeexternal purchase order. external purchase order (external PO)