createaticketorworkorderfromaparticularasset,location,orconfiguration item. Communicationslogenhancement Tocaptureescalationandworkflow-drivencommunications,aflaghasbeen addedtotheCommunicationtemplatestodrivethecreationofcommunication logentriesforcommunicationsgeneratedaspartofanescalationprocessora workflowstep.Thecommunicatio...
console.log('Errorcheckinglocationstatus:'+error); } );7.22实现离线数据同步在移动环境中,网络连接的不可靠性是一个常见的挑战。Maximo移动解决方案提供了离线数据同步功能,确保即使在网络中断时,用户也能继续工作,并在连接恢复时自动同步数据。7.2.1原理离线数据同步依赖于Maximo移动应用在设备上存储数据的能力。当...
attachments (Doclinks) when there is a data restriction on SYNONYMDOMAIN object and the following symptoms would be observed on it:* The "Select File" button disappears and you cannot create a new File Attachment.* The "Copy document to the default location set by your administrator (...
When prompted for maximo home, you also need to enter the full location to where your local Maximo installation folder exists.$ npm install maximodev-cli -g $ maximodev-cli create addon $ cd bpaa_myproduct $ maximodev-cli create sample-classic-app $ maximodev-cli build $ maximodev-cli ...
file and upload as secret wget -nv$branchName/src/storageclasses/azure.json -O ./azure.json envsubst < ./azure.json > ./customFiles/azure.json oc create secret generic azure-cloud-provider --from-literal=cloud-config=$(cat ./customFiles/...
• Customization archive location must be accessible from Maximo Application Suite. It is a zip file that you can access through HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, or FTPS. Preparing to upgrade 25 • Any database scripts can be added to customer directory and an a_customer.xml file must be used....
reference: File Deployment From WebSphere Console Have you ever come across a situation where your development environment WebSphere is on Linus/Unix and you don’t have ...
console.log(Loginsuccessful); //跳转到主界面 window.location.href=dashboard.html; }elseif(xhr.readyState===4){ console.error(Loginfailed:+xhr.responseText); } }; xhr.send(JSON.stringify({username:username,password:password})); } 创建styles.css文件,美化用户界面: ...
Manage your accounts in one central location.You configure and test Microsoft Entra single sign-on for Maximo Application Suite in a test environment. Maximo Application Suite supports SP and IDP initiated single sign-on.PrerequisitesTo integrate Microsoft Entra ID with Maximo Application Suite, you ...