数量准则(The maxim of quantity):①自己所说的话达到所要求的详尽程度;②不能使自己所说的话比所要求的更详细.质量准则(四e maxim of quality):①不要说自己认为不真实的话;②不要说自己缺乏足够证据的话。关联准则(maxim of relevance):说话要贴切。方式准则(The maxim of manner):①避免晦涩的词语;②...
OK, then there's the maxims of manner, including things like “Be clear” and “Avoid ambiguity.” And another, more interesting maxim is one of the so-called maxims of quantity—quantity of information, that is. It says to give as much information as is required in the situation. ...
单项选择题 The maxim of manner is a subcategory of___ A.speech actB.polite principleC.cooperative principleD.acquisition rule 点击查看答案手机看题 你可能感兴趣的试题 单项选择题 The founder of the American drama is___ A.Arthur MillerB.Eugene O' NeillC.Tennesee WilliamsD.Clifford Odets 点击...
关联准则(maxim of relevance):说话要贴切。方式准则(The maxim of manner):①避免晦涩的词语;②避免歧义;③说话要简要;④说话要有条理。题干问的是"Boys are boys"和"Lies arelies"这两个同义重复的极端例子违反了哪个准则。题干中"男孩是男孩""谎言是谎言"表达不够详尽,所以违反了数量准则,故选A...
In the following example "A: How are you? B: I'm dead." which maxim of CP is violated? A、Quality B、Quantity C、Relation D、Manner
方式准则(MannerMaxim):方式准则 要清楚明白,避免晦涩和歧义要简练要有条理。要清楚明白避免晦涩和歧义,要简练要有条理。(be避免晦涩和歧义要简练,要有条理perspicuous,avoidambiguity)Violationofthemaxims CooperativePandTranslation WhycanCPbeappliedinTstudy?WhatisCP?Whatistranslation(study)?Whatisthepurposeofboth?Cooper...
《硬措施》规定:各级矿山安全监管监察部门要严厉打击矿山各类非法违法生产建设行为,对顶风作案、屡禁不止的企业,依法依规( )。
Taking integrated devices made inMAXIMcompany for example,several application examples of speical function analog switches are given. 文章简要介绍了集成模拟开关的选择中需要考虑的几个主要因素 ,以MAXIM公司生产的集成器件为例 ,给出了几种特殊功用模拟开关的选用实例。
ⅠThe Maxim of Quantity Try to provide necessary information and not to offer redundant information.a. Make your contribution as informative as is required for the current purpose of the exchange.b. Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.Besides, the maxim of quantity has...