linux/types.h:154:36: error: conflicting types for ‘uintmax_t’ typedef u_int32_t uintmax_t;,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
It breaks a buildbot. Maybe UINT32_MAX isn't defined in their C++ header files. Issue: "Immortal" objects aren't immortal and that breaks things. #125174
mhsmithchanged the titleresolveAArch64Relocation: assertion "static_cast<int64_t>(Result) >= INT32_MIN && static_cast<int64_t>(Result) <= UINT32_MAX" failedNumba error: resolveAArch64Relocation: assertion "static_cast<int64_t>(Result) >= INT32_MIN && static_cast<int64_t>(Result) <= ...
分析一下spdk里的这个结构体 struct spdk_nvmf_tgt { char name[NVMF_TGT_NAME_MAX_LENGTH]; pthread_mutex_t mutex; uint64_t discovery_genctr; uint32_t max_subsystems; /* Array of subsystem pointers of size max_subsystems indexed by sid */ s... 该结构体是SPDK(Storage Performance Developmen...