"cache-control: 'max-age=43200'" 是一个 HTTP 头部指令,用于控制资源的缓存行为。这里的 "max-age=43200" 定义了资源可以在客户端缓存多久,单位是秒。43200秒等于12小时。 与此相比,一些旧的缓存控制方法,如 "expires" 头部,可能不如 "cache-control" 灵活。通过设置 "max-age",开发人员可以精确控制资源的...
"cache-control: 'max-age=43200'" 这一指令用于设定资源在客户端缓存的时长,单位为秒。以43200秒为例,即12小时,这使得开发者能够精确控制资源的生命周期,而非依赖固定的过期时间。相比"expires"头部,"cache-control"更加灵活,能更好地适应不同需求和场景。在开发过程中,理解并运用"cache-contro...
Cache-Control: default: "public, max-age=43200" 401: description: "You are not authorised to make this change." 403: description: "Accessing the resource you were trying to reach is forbidden." 404: description: "The resource you were trying to reach is not found." Javaspring-bootswagger...
Cache-Control: default: "public, max-age=43200" 401: description: "You are not authorised to make this change." 403: description: "Accessing the resource you were trying to reach is forbidden." 404: description: "The resource you were trying to reach is not found." Javaspring-bootswagger...