and Vatro Murvar, 1984, Max Weber's Political Sociology: A Pessimistic Vision of a Rationalized World, London, Greenwood Press.Glassman Ronald, Vatro Murvar (eds.), Max Weber's Political Sociology: A Pessimistic Vision of a Rationalized World, Greenwood Press, Westport, 1984....
Max Weber’s Sociology 作者: Stephen Kalberg 出版社: Routledge副标题: From "the Protestant Ethic Thesis" and the American Political Culture to a Sociology of Civilizations出版年: 2024-5页数: 346定价: £135.00装帧: HardcoverISBN: 9781032631769...
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, Helge Peukert; Max Weber and economic sociology: a response to Peukert, Stephen D. Parsons; Max Weber’s critical response to theoretical economics, Patrick Mardellat; Formal justice and the spirit of capitalism: Max Weber’s sociology of law, Sally Ewing. Part VII Culture: Flaubert and ...
Max Weber was a German sociologist and political economist who is best known for his theory of the development of Western capitalism that is based on the "Protestant Ethic." In addition, Weber wrote widely on law and religion, including groundbreaking work on the importance of bureaucracy in mod...
Bendix, Max Weber: an Intellectual Portrait (1960) remains a very useful overall guide to Weber's work; Gerth and Mills, From Max Weber (1946) is a ‘classic’ compilation. For Weber, the aim of sociology was to achieve an interpretative understanding (see also MEANINGFUL UNDERSTANDING) of ...
内容提示: Sociology of Politics as a Sociology of Intellectuals 77nourishment (Plato, 1968, Book 3, Par. 389b.c; 1971, Par. 460-463,504, 521-522). To allow the ignorant masses to rule themselvesthrough these politicians would lead to a republic of licentiousnessand laxity that dispenses ...
from-max-weber_politics-as-a-vocationpdf FROMMAXWEBER:EssaysinSociology TR.ANSLATED,EDITED,ANDWITHANINTRODUCTIONBY H.H.GERTHANDC.WRIGHTMILLS NEWYORK OXFORDUNIVERSITYPRESS 114 SCIDiel'.A:\'l)!'ouTies marilyfacilitatedbythefactthattheBII11l1esrat7willriseagainandwill ofnecessityrestrictthepoweroftheRei...
max weber was one of阅读理解 Max Weber was one of the most prominent sociologists and political economists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His contributions to the fields of sociology, economics, and political science have shaped our understanding of modern society and its institutions....
, 1946. From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1946. · Lassman, P. and R. Speirs (eds.), 1994. Weber: Political Writings, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. · Shils, E.A. and H. A. Finch (eds.), 1949. The Methodology of the Social ...