Elena Vostrotina ЕленаВостротинаandMax Cauthorn,“Infra”, choreography byWayne McGregor, music by Max Richter, costume by Moritz Junge. As part of the program“Walkways”(“Snowblind” by Cathy Marston, “Glass Pieces” by Jerome Robbins and “Infra”), Ballett Zürich, Zü...
Buchpräsentation Max Dudler im Gespräch mit Moritz Holfelder Bücherbogen am Savignyplatz, Berlin 18.04.2024, 19.30 Uhr Max Dudler im Gespräch mit Architektur- und Kunstkritiker Gerhard Mack never stop reading, Zürich 01.02.2024, 19 Uhr...
Professor in Berlin, Freiburg, Heidelberg, and Munich. The range of Weber’s scientific activity is very broad: from the agrarian history of the ancient world to the study of the situation of the East Elbian peasants in Germany at the end of the 19th century to the sociology of religion ...
In 1948, Black translated the classic Frege work "Sinn und Bedeutung" as "Sense and Reference," thus establishing the term "reference," where John Stuart Mill and Bertrand Russell had used "denotation." Denotation and connotation nicely fit the difference between naming and meaning. Black also ...
Berlin Calling (2008) Zivi Alex (as Maximilian Mauff) $599K Absurdistan (2008) Temelko (as Maximilian Mauff) $1K $40K $113K The Wave (2008) Kevin (as Maximilian Mauff) €5MM $32MM Ab morgen glücklich (2007) (Short) - Actor €25K Niemand liebt Dich so wie ...
Isaiah Berlin Richard J. Bernstein Bernard Berofsky Robert Bishop Max Black Susanne Bobzien Emil du Bois-Reymond Hilary Bok Laurence BonJour George Boole Émile Boutroux Daniel Boyd F.H.Bradley C.D.Broad Michael Burke Jeremy Butterfield
Moritz Leytner Jacomo und der Wolf (五月 28, 2021) Season 1, Episode 5 - Moritz Leytner 2 Die Drei von der Müllabfuhr (2021) (TV Series) - Flash Chris Humpert (1 episode, 2021) Operation Miethai (五月 14, 2021) Season 3, Episode 2 - Flash Chris Humpert 1 Murder ...
Planck received honorary doctorates from the universities of Frankfurt, München (TH), Rostock, Berlin(TH), Graz, Athen, Cambridge, London und Glasgow The asteroid 1069 was given the name "Stella Planckia" (1938) Göttingen, Stadtfriedhof, Kassler Landstr, Grave of Nobel laureate Max Planck...
Jacomo und der Wolf(五月 28, 2021)Season 1, Episode 5-Moritz Leytner 2 Die Drei von der Müllabfuhr(2021) (TV Series)-Flash Chris Humpert(1 episode, 2021) Operation Miethai(五月 14, 2021)Season 3, Episode 2-Flash Chris Humpert ...
Sprung ins Leben(六月 4, 2021)Season 1, Episode 6-Dr. Moritz Leytner Jacomo und der Wolf(五月 28, 2021)Season 1, Episode 5-Moritz Leytner 2 Die Drei von der Müllabfuhr(2021) (TV Series)-Flash Chris Humpert(1 episode, 2021) ...