UInt16.cs Compare deux valeurs au calcul, ce qui est supérieur et retourne l’autre valeur si une entrée estNaN. C# staticushortINumber<ushort>.MaxNumber (ushortx,ushorty); Paramètres x UInt16 Valeur à comparer ày. y UInt16
uint16_t MAX14915_write_register(uint8_t Chip_Address, uint8_t Register_Address, uint8_t data) { // Construct the SPI uint8_t to transmit uint8_t CHIP_ADR = (uint8_t) (Chip_Address<<6); // 2 MSBs are the Chip Address (A1 and A0) uint8_t BRST = 0; // 0 = no burst...
static ushort INumberBase<ushort>.MaxMagnitude (ushort x, ushort y); Paramètres x UInt16 Valeur à comparer à y. y UInt16 Valeur à comparer à x. Retours UInt16 x s’il est supérieur à y; sinon, y. Implémente MaxMagnitude(TSelf, TSelf) S’applique à ProduitVersi...
SetDtcPara(uint32_t batchIndex, AippDtcPara dtcPara) 使用示例 用户自定义上下文类 GetPara AddPara SetPara DelPara ClearPara GetAllKeys 异步回调注册类 OnProcessDone OnServiceDied Tensor尺寸描述结构类 SetNumber SetChannel SetHeight SetWidth GetNumber GetChannel GetHeight...
__IO uint16_t ADC_ConvertedValue[NUM]; 一般,我们会定义一个变量存我们的数据,然后 DMA_InitStruct.DMA_BufferSize = NUM; DMA_InitStruct.DMA_MemoryBaseAddr = (u32)&ADC_ConvertedValue; 这时候,缓冲区的大小和我们定义的数组一致,也方便我们操作。
dev_info->max_tx_queues = (uint16_t)hw->mac.max_tx_queues;if(RTE_ETH_DEV_SRIOV(dev).active ==0) {/** When DCB/VT is off, maximum number of queues changes, * except for 82598EB, which remains constant.*/if(dev_conf->txmode.mq_mode == ETH_MQ_TX_NONE &&hw->mac.type !
Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -142,13 +142,6 @@ libnet_ptag_t libnet_build_lldp_ttl(const uint16_t ttl, if (l == NULL) return (-1);if (ttl > UINT16_MAX) {snprintf(l->err_buf, LIBNET_ERRBUF_SIZE, "%s(): Incorrect value of ttl", __func__...
void riscv_softmax_q15(const q15_t *vec_in, const uint16_t dim_vec, q15_t *p_out)void riscv_softmax_q7(const q7_t *vec_in, const uint16_t dim_vec, q7_t *p_out)riscv_nmsis_nn_status riscv_softmax_s16(const int16_t *input, const int32_t num_rows, const int...
#define ENCODER_PPR (u16)(400) // number of pulses per revolution #define SPEED_BUFFER_...
uint32_t BreakFilter; /*!< Specifies the break input filter. This parameter can be a number between Min_Data = 0x0 and Max_Data = 0xF */ uint32_t AutomaticOutput; /*!< TIM Automatic Output Enable state This parameter can be a value of @ref TIM_AOE_Bit_Set_Reset */ ...