根据reportTranViolation命令可以计算报告不同连线长度下对应的transition time。可以发现连线长度越长,max ...
修复max transition 违例的方法主要有三种:Resize方案、Buffering方案和Layer Assignment (LA)方案。其中,Resize方案和Buffering方案统称,通过调整元件尺寸或添加缓冲器来减小transition time。Layer Assignment方案通过改变布线层数来优化信号路径。为直观演示max transition 违例的产生与修复,本文通过两个实例进...
transition设置的过小也不好,会导致工具插入很多cell,增大了芯片的面积。下图是一个TSMC28nm工艺的stdcell的lib,可以看到给定的input transition的取值范围从0.0024-0.4733,超出这个范围会使得timing的计算变得不准确。 2.DMSA修复max_transition violation 关于timing的结果以PT结果为准,通常一个百万级的block在PR第一轮...
Hello experts, my problem is that optDesign doesn't upsize tristate-buffers during DRV fixing and therefore ends with quite a number of tran time and max cap violations on the nets connected to their... Fixing max transition violation Hello, We get max transition violations after RC extrac...
set_max_transition: set_max_transition 0.6 [all_outputs]:设置最大电平转化时间。一般来说修复max_transition会使得setup变好,hold变差。因为cell delay和input transition以及output load有关。当input transition变小时,cell delay也会变小。为了防止修复max_transition而导致hold出现violation,可以设置hold margin。当...
Currently,my design has no timing violation and max transition violation,but there are still 2 violations:max fanout and max capacitance violations on the system main clock, which I have set "dont_touch_network" properties on this clock path. ...
Android.Runtime Android.Sax Android.SE.Omapi Android.Security Android.Security.Identity Android.Security.Keystore Android.Service.Assist.Classification Android.Service.Autofill Android.Service.Carrier Android.Service.Chooser Android.Service.Controls Android.Service.Controls.Actions Android.Service.Controls.Templates...
[Android.Runtime.Register("ACTIVE_PDP_CONTEXT_MAX_NUMBER_REACHED", ApiSince=30)] [System.Obsolete("This constant will be removed in the future version. Use Android.Telephony.DataFailCauseType enum directly instead of this field.", true)] public const Android.Telephony.DataFailCauseType Act...
Showalter made the transition from stage to the cinema with ease in the late 1940s, making his silver-screen debut in Roy Del Ruth's comedic drama "Always Leave Them Laughing." Showalter changed his name to Casey Adams in the early 1950s and was credited in numerous feature films and TV...
Is there anything else that you want to clarify related to this case, otherwise I would like to close the case and transition this thread to community support. Thanks Regards Kian 翻譯 2 積分 複製連結 回覆 Beginner_in_FPGA 新貢獻者 I 04-24-2024 11:53 PM ...