9 Deadwood March 21, 2004 236 votes The inhabitants of a frontier town struggle for power. Actors: Timothy Olyphant, Ian McShane, Molly Parker, Powers Boothe, Jim Beaver Network: HBO Dig Deeper The Real History Of 'Deadwood' Also ranks #6 on TV Shows That Were Canceled On M...
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8 on 15 stupid tv shows that are secretly brilliant 9 deadwood march 21, 2004 236 votes is deadwood watchworthy? the inhabitants of a frontier town struggle for power. actors : timothy olyphant, ian mcshane, molly parker, powers boothe, jim beaver network : hbo dig deeper the...
Barbara Kopple's film follows the miners and their supporters (including their ferociously determined wives) into the front lines of the fight, from picket lines to town hall meetings to more intimate moments of grief or rage or everyday life. ...
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