void maxim_heart_rate_and_oxygen_saturation(uint32_t *pun_ir_buffer, int32_t n_ir_buffer_length, uint32_t *pun_red_buffer, int32_t *pn_spo2, int8_t *pch_spo2_valid, int32_t *pn_heart_rate, int8_t *pch_hr_valid) { uint32_t un_ir_mean ,un_only_once ; int32_t k ,n...
USART_SendData(USART1, (uint8_t) ch); /* Loop until the end of transmission */ while (USART_GetFlagStatus(USART1, USART_FLAG_TC) == RESET) {} return ch; } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 通过JTAG的SW模式将printf重定向至SWO引脚输出 1.在源码中添加对ITM端口寄存器的定义 #define I...
void write_register(uint8_t _reg,uint16_t _value)const{control_mode_on();vspi->write(2);vspi->write(_reg);vspi->write16(_value);await_data_request();control_mode_off();}//写寄存器. void sdi_send_buffer(uint8_t *data,size_t BufferSize,size_t Start,size_t Count){size_t ch...
DWordPtrToUIntPtr function (Windows) InterlockedOr8Acquire function (Windows) IDCompositionRotateTransform3D::SetAngle methods (Windows) Required Interfaces (deprecated) (Windows) Stream Buffer Engine (Windows) WSPSendTo function (Windows) IEnumCATID interface (COM) Operator[] function (Windows) IFaxServ...
use MaxMind::DB::Writer::Tree; my %types = ( color => 'utf8_string', dogs => [ 'array', 'utf8_string' ], size => 'uint16', ); my $tree = MaxMind::DB::Writer::Tree->new( ip_version => 6, record_size => 24, database_type => 'My-IP-Data', languages => ['en...
/* Gather the payload */ uint16_t gathered = 0; while (gathered < (startSequence.len[0] - 1)) { size_t triggerLevel = ((startSequence.len[0] - 1) - length); xStreamBufferSetTriggerLevel(buffer, triggerLevel); size_t actualRecLen = xStreamBufferReceive(buffer, (((uint8_t *)&...
t.key NOT IN (c1, c2, ...), c{i} are constants. => ($MIN get_mm_leaf 函数 构造SEL_ROOT结构 tree_and 函数 遍历所有keys,通过key_and合并 tree1和tree2 for (uint idx = 0; idx < param->keys; idx++) { key_and // Produce a SEL_ARG graph that represents "key1 AND key2" ...
【摘要】 一、前言MAX30102是一款由Maxim Integrated推出的低功耗、高精度的心率和血氧饱和度检测传感器模块,适用于可穿戴设备如智能手环、智能手表等健康管理类电子产品。该传感器主要特性如下:(1)光学测量:MAX30102内置了两个LED光源(红光和红外光),以及一个光电检测器,通过光电容积脉搏波描记法(PPG)来实现心率和血氧...