size=sys.maxsize# creates the max lengthlist=range(size)# returns the length of a listprint("The maximum length of a list:",len(list))print("List is created successfully")#输出:# maximum size limit on a 64-bit platformThe maximum length of alist:9223372036854775807Listiscreated successfully...
# import the sys module to use the maxsize() methodimportsys# returns the maximum sizesize = sys.maxsizeprint("The maximum size of a 32-bit platform is:", size)#输出:The maximum size of a32-bit platformis:2147483647 64-Bit平台 importsys# returns the maximum sizesize = sys.maxsizepri...
参数MAX_STRING_SIZE控制扩展数据类型extended data type的最大长度: STANDARD 代表12c之前的长度限制,即varchar2、nvarchar2 4000 bytes, raw 是2000 bytes EXTENDED 代表12c 32k strings新特性,varchar2、nvarchar2、raw最大长度32k bytesExtended character data types 扩展字符类型存在以下的限制:...
传入的参数 digtal 是要显示的数字 。bit 是要显示的是第几位数码管 调用DisplayOnebit(9,1); 结果就会是 第二位数码管显示数字9 其他数码管暗 。 控制多个数码管显示多位数 void DisplayDigtal(uint16_t digtal){ int a=0; while(a<50) { a++; DisplayOnebit(digtal%10,0); HAL_Delay(5); if (d...
intc_char = CHAR_BIT;intn_int = INT_MIN;shortn_short = SHRT_MIN;longn_long = LONG_MAX;longlongn_llong = LLONG_MAX; cout<<sizeofn_int<<" "<<sizeofn_short<<" "<<sizeof(n_short -1)<<" "<<sizeof(n_long)<<" "<<sizeof(n_llong)<<endl; ...
Max.HeapSize(Estimated):444.50M ErgonomicsMachineClass:server UsingVM:OpenJDK64-BitServerVM 以上的信息出现了矛盾,我们在运行的时候将容器内存设置为 100MB,而 -XshowSettings:vm 打印出的 JVM 将最大堆大小为 444M,如果按照这个内存进行分配内存的话很可能会导致节点主机在某个时候杀死我的 JVM。
vector level; root->val = 1; level.push_back(root); int maxWidth...= 0; levelOrder(level, maxWidth); return maxWidth; } private: void levelOrder...(vector level, int& maxWidth) { maxWidth = max(maxWidth, level[level.size() - 1]->...nextLevel.empty()) { levelOrder(nextLeve...
{}int main(void) { int i = 0; pthread_t thread; while ( 1 ) { if (pthread_create(&thread, NULL, func, NULL) != 0) { return; } i++; printf("i = %d\n", i); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } 试验显示,在我们的系统(Ubuntu-14.04-LTS-64bit)中linuxthreads 上最多可以创建 381 个线...
int32_t an_y[ BUFFER_SIZE]; //red void maxim_heart_rate_and_oxygen_saturation(uint32_t *pun_ir_buffer, int32_t n_ir_buffer_length, uint32_t *pun_red_buffer, int32_t *pn_spo2, int8_t *pch_spo2_valid, int32_t *pn_heart_rate, int8_t *pch_hr_valid) /...