Computes the pairwise maxima of the 8 signed 16-bit integers from a and the 8 signed 16-bit integers from b. __m128i _mm_max_epi16 (__m128i a, __m128i b); PMAXSW Return Value r0 := max(a0, b0) r1 := max(a1, b1) ... r7 := max(a7, b7) ...
Computes the pairwise maxima of the 8 signed 16-bit integers from a and the 8 signed 16-bit integers from b. __m128i _mm_max_epi16 (__m128i a, __m128i b); PMAXSW Return Value r0 := max(a0, b0) r1 := max(a1, b1) ... r7 := max(a7, b7) ...
Computes the pairwise maxima of the 8 signed 16-bit integers from a and the 8 signed 16-bit integers from b. __m128i _mm_max_epi16 (__m128i a, __m128i b); PMAXSW Return Value r0 := max(a0, b0) r1 := max(a1, b1) ... r7 := max(a7, b7) ...
Returns the larger of two 16-bit signed integers. Namespace: System Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll) Syntax VB Copy 'Declaration Public Shared Function Max ( _ val1 As Short, _ val2 As Short _ ) As Short Parameters val1 Type: System.Int16 The first of two 16-bit ...
Integer.MAX_VALUE是Java中的一个常量,它表示整数数据类型int的最大可表示值。 Integer.MAX_VALUE的值是2,147,483,647。这意味着在一个标准的32位Java虚拟机中, int数据类型可以表示的最大整数值为 2,147,483,647,或者说 2^31 - 1。 如果你尝试存储一个大于Integer.MAX_VALUE的整数值,会导致整数溢出,通常...
type—Integer type "int32"(default) |character vector|string Integer type, specified as a character vector or string. This table shows the valid options fortype. Integer TypeDescription "int8" 8-bit signed integer "int16" 16-bit signed integer ...
其实cmp相当于做sub,关键在于标量计算会设置EFLAGS,通过carry flag、overflow flag、sign flag就能判断signed和unsigned的大小,再配合CMOV就能实现max。 比如max<uint64_t>到了汇编就是: cmprdi,rsimovrax,rsicmovnbrax,rdi 写出来SSE的实现就是: automax128_epu64_naive(__m128ia,__m128ib){constautonum0=stat...
fmin and fmax, of fminl and fmaxl could be preferred when comparing signed and unsigned integers - you can take advantage of the fact that the entire range of signed and unsigned numbers and you don't have to worry about integer ranges and promotions. unsigned int x = 40000...
@stdlib/constants-int32/max:maximum signed 32-bit integer. This package is part ofstdlib, a standard library for JavaScript and Node.js, with an emphasis on numerical and scientific computing. The library provides a collection of robust, high performance libraries for mathematics, statistics, strea...
MQPUT1 呼叫會在其處理過程中執行 MQOPEN 呼叫; 因此, MQPUT1 會使用與 MQOPEN 一樣多的控點,但這些控點只會在 MQPUT1 呼叫本身的期間使用。 此值在 1 到 999 999 999 的範圍內。 在IBM® i上,預設值為 256。 若要判定此屬性的值,請搭配使用 IAMHND 選取器與 MQINQ 呼叫。