You had to have a Windows XP (probably) or similar PC with all the software installed and running. Try this: and see if you can find something usable. Maybe Intel/Altera will let you sign an ND...
You had to have a Windows XP (probably) or similar PC with all the software installed and running. Try this: and see if you can find something usable. Maybe Intel/Altera will let you...
MAX+plus2的安装与下载 Assistant Professor, Yu-Hua Lee, PH.D.Part I--ALTERA MAXPLUS II軟體使用操作 單元<一>軟體的安裝與基本操作使用 1.1 ALTERA MAX+plus II軟體介紹 1.2 ALTERA MAX+plus II軟體的下載及安裝 1.3 取得本機電腦的硬碟序號 1.4 ALTERA MAX+plus II軟體的下載 1.5 ALTERA...
MAX+PLUSⅡ(Multiple Array matriX Programmable Logic User System II)是Altera公司提供的完善的、高度集成的EDA设计工具,其集成设计输入编辑器、HDL综合器、仿真器、适配器(或布局布线器)、下载器等等工具于一体,且支持第三方的综合和仿真工具。MAX+PLUSⅡ界面友好、使用方便、具有完整的工程文档管理和在线访问功能,被...
(4)通过Windows98系统菜单“开始”→“程序”→“MAX+plusII”→“MAX+plusII”,运行MAX+plusII。首次运行MAX+plusII,会出现“LicenseAgreement”(授权协议)对话框,按“Tab”键,然后再按下“Yes”按钮即可。当出现对话框提示当前的软件保护号(SoftwareGuardID)时,应到指定的 Internet站点上申请授权号。第4章...
Step 3.由於本書所使用的軟體為是ALTERA MAX+PLUSII的學生版,因此將畫面 拉到網頁的最下方點選【MAX+PLUS II software for students & universities】,如 下圖。 12 Assistant Professor, Yu-Hua Lee, PH.D. Step 4. 選擇MAX+PLUS II 學生版軟體的版本,其畫面如下圖,本書光碟所附之...
双击MAX+plusII图标或在“开始”菜单内选择MAX+plusII项,开始运行MAX+plusII。第一次运行MAX+plusII时,将会出现授权协议对话框,仔细阅读后,按下Yes按钮。 (3)系统若没有安装Software guard(软件狗),则在接受授权协议后,将出现如图4.2所示的MAX+plusII版权保护对话框,若希望查看如何获得License的信息,则单击按钮...
双击MAX+plusII图标或在“开始”菜单内选择MAX+plusII项,开始运行MAX+plusII。第一次运行MAX+plusII时,将会出现授权协议对话框,仔细阅读后,按下Yes按钮。 (3)系统若没有安装Softwareguard(软件狗),则在接受授权协议后,将出现如图4.2所示的MAX+plusII版权保护对话框,若希望查看如何获得License的信息,则单击按钮‘...
You had to have a Windows XP (probably) or similar PC with all the software installed and running. Try this: and see if you can find something usable. Maybe Intel/Altera will let you sign an NDA...
You had to have a Windows XP (probably) or similar PC with all the software installed and running. Try this: and see if you can find something usable. Maybe Intel/Altera will let you s...