Ive tried it in "l-map" options too. Both no effect <l-map style="height: 100%" :zoom="zoom" :center="center" @update:zoom="zoomUpdated" :options="mapOptions" @update:center="centerUpdated" @update:bounds="boundsUpdated" :bounds="bounds" :max-bounds="maxBounds"> <l-tile-layer :...
This is a very nice and helpful tool, thanks! However, for fine-tuning a GeoJSON on centimeter level, the max zoom is way too restrictive. I changed the zoom level in the debugger and something like 25 or even 26 would be required. Any c...
team member I teach instructor courses all over the world and constantly talk to participants who actively use MaxKravMaga as a tool to prepare for the instructor courses. I would also like to mention that the level of customer service that the folks at MaxKravMaga provide us with is ...
The assailant then announces “TAKE THEM, TAKE THEM ALL” and people on the call (actors) are kidnapped in real time. In the chaos other participants also got heavy knocks on their door, like someone was trying to get into their apartment. Fortunately, what they found outside was nothing ...
experience, nothing beats the Super Res Zoom on theGoogle Pixel 9 Pro XL. When Iblind-tested iPhone userswith photos shot on an iPhone and a Pixel device, the iPhone participants preferred the iOS device for the wide and ultrawide photos, but preferred Pixel for telephoto-based (zoomed-in)...
f/1.664, 1/100s, ISO 50, digitalZoom=1.205, brightness=4.840 f/1.664, 1/25s, ISO 640, digitalZoom=1.205, brightness=-0.774 I'm usingbuiltInWideAngleCamerawithcontinuousAutoExposure,continuousAutoFocusand slightvideoZoomFactor func photoOutput(_ output: AVCapturePhotoOutput, didFinishProcessingPhoto...
In a survey, 25 percent of respondents said they wanted an online-only experience when buying a car. Most participants wanted to go through more steps online; but then, they preferred to transition to a more traditional sales scene. Now, CarMax is “enabling the self-serve aspect of online...
beyerdynamic SPACE MAX sets new standards in echo cancellation technology.To ensure the best possible conversation quality, beyerdynamic SPACE MAX automatically adjusts the volume of all voices. Full-Duplex also allows participants to speak and be heard simultaneously – without any interruptions. Award-...
Participants 7 The max resolution of iOS's MKMapView could only reach the Google zoom level 19, which seems to be insufficient especially for users who want to manually draw points of a path or shape with finger gesture directly on map. For example while drawing the edge of a house, th...
The Zoom presentation Barb and I made Saturday morning (for the DSM Book Festival) was attended by around seventy people, and went very well. This is the first online dual appearance we’ve made. We concentrated on five writing tips each, which not only gave participants some decent advice,...