Enter the world of Weekend Max Mara: discover new collections, the Signature Collection, the Journal and lots of new pieces. Shop online, with free shipping and returns.
Enter the world of Weekend Max Mara: discover new collections, the Signature Collection, the Journal and lots of new pieces. Shop online, with free shipping and returns.
Enter the world of Weekend Max Mara: discover new collections, the Signature Collection, the Journal and lots of new pieces. Shop online, with free shipping and returns.
Enter the world of Weekend Max Mara: discover new collections, the Signature Collection, the Journal and lots of new pieces. Shop online, with free shipping and returns.
Enter the world of Weekend Max Mara: discover new collections, the Signature Collection, the Journal and lots of new pieces. Shop online, with free shipping and returns.
WeekendMaxMara官方微博 5月28日 11:00 来自微博视频号 置顶 #甜点包环球之旅#一起跟随日本匠艺师们,见证全新Pasticcino至臻和风系列甜点包的诞生,从提花丝绸、典藏图案到手编珠扣,逐步探寻更多珍贵细节,领略日本传统艺术与意式现代风范的交织共融。#WeekendMaxMara# LWeekendMaxMara官方微博的微博视频 ...
WeekendMaxMara官方微博 5月28日 11:00 来自微博视频号 置顶 #甜点包环球之旅#一起跟随日本匠艺师们,见证全新Pasticcino至臻和风系列甜点包的诞生,从提花丝绸、典藏图案到手编珠扣,逐步探寻更多珍贵细节,领略日本传统艺术与意式现代风范的交织共融。#WeekendMaxMara# LWeekendMaxMara官方微博的微博视频 ...
Maxmara Weekend系列是我个人非常喜欢的系列之一,受众群体非常广泛。这个系列的价格非常亲民,大衣外套的售价基本在200多欧到600多欧之间。四五百欧的大衣设计和面料都非常出色,款式多样,偏向时尚年轻化。Weekend系列不仅有大衣,还有连衣裙、外套、毛衣和开衫等,都非常棒。经典款如RESINA、Salmone(长款小泰迪,去年叫Palat...