Enter the world of Weekend Max Mara: discover new collections, the Signature Collection, the Journal and lots of new pieces. Shop online, with free shipping and returns.
Enter the world of Weekend Max Mara: discover new collections, the Signature Collection, the Journal and lots of new pieces. Shop online, with free shipping and returns.
Enter the world of Weekend Max Mara: discover new collections, the Signature Collection, the Journal and lots of new pieces. Shop online, with free shipping and returns.
Enter the world of Weekend Max Mara: discover new collections, the Signature Collection, the Journal and lots of new pieces. Shop online, with free shipping and returns.
Enter the world of Weekend Max Mara: discover new collections, the Signature Collection, the Journal and lots of new pieces. Shop online, with free shipping and returns.
Enter the world of Max Mara: let yourself be won over by the elegance and hand-crafted quality of our collections. Purchase on-line or visit a boutique.
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Browse Max Mara Weekend Line and more from your favorite designers at Grailed, the community marketplace for men's and women's clothing. Shop our curated selection today!
Weekend Max Mara 轻松休闲/自然色调/细节精致 Weekend Max Mara 2025度假系列通过轻松的休闲风格、自然色调、多样化单品以及细腻的设计细节,展现了现代女性在度假时的优雅与自信。在细节设计上,运用了精致的刺绣、蕾丝和不同的织物纹理,增加了视觉层次感。整体系列既实用又时尚,适合各种度假场合,体现了品牌对品质与风格...
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