1、在.htaccess文件中添加以下代码: php_value max_input_vars 5000 修改如下图: 2、在wordpress配置文件wp-config.php文件中添加如下代码:(如果无效使用第一种) @ini_set( 'max_input_vars' , 5000 ); 3、在php.ini文件添加如下代码: max_input_vars = 5000 三种方法任选一种方便的,即可修复PHP Max In...
The solution is to simply configure the max_input_vars so that it is large enough to handle the number of variables being sent by WordPress to save your menu. php.ini If you have access to your php.ini, you can just add this directive (or change the value of the existing directive) ...
The “PHP Max Input Vars” variable max_input_vars was introduced in PHP as a security measure to limit the maximum number of POST variables sent. It represents the number of variables your server can use to run a function. If you get the error “Increase PHP Max Input Vars Limit” in ...
Php max input vars 在 lnmp 的 php.ini 文件中的参数是 max_input_vars,像上面第二条一样搜索到后把默认的 1000 修改为 avada 推荐的 1620 即可。宝塔面板是在 php 管理的配置文件中搜索 max_input_vars,修改成 1620 或你看到的提示数值(有的提示是 recommended value: 1500,也有提示 1600 的每个人看到的...
If you’re not running the latest version of WordPress, we highly recommend upgrading instead of performing the described changes below. How to Increase PHP Max Input Vars Limit? There are many different methods to increase the PHP Max Input Vars. Setting the limit for the input variables can...
Before starting to Increase PHP Max Input Vars Limit, you should also check what PHP version you’re using. The older versions of PHP, such as 5.x, often the default shared hosts used for compatibility reasons, might limit max_input_vars in WordPress to around 1000, even if you specify ...
_varsis 1000, which means that if your form has has more than 1000 inputs, any additional values will be lost. Since each custom field is an input in the WordPress editor, plugins like Advanced Custom Fields Repeater and Per-Product Shipping make it possible to exceed the 1000 ...
为了增加网站*大延迟时间(max_execution_time)修改php.ini 或 .hthaccess。 *先讲一下为什么要修改php.ini或.hthaccess?主要是在安装 WordPress theme主题的时候,部分主题会提供给我们导入数据,但是这些导入数据会对PHP网站 *大延迟时间(max_execution_time) 和 *大表单提交限制 (max_input_vars)。
请注意,您不能在运行时使用函数ini_set(name, newValue)设置此指令,例如
I have installed and am running Virtualmin/webmin without issue up to now (I have multiple websites where I installed Wordpress using the script installer built into Virtualmin) However when I install this theme it says that my max_input_vars is set too low. It shows the current setting as...