MAX_PACKET_SIZE MAX_PACKET_SIZE用于定义输入Buffer的上限值,即BufferedPacket的最大值. live555\liveMedia\MultiFramedRTPSource.cpp#defineMAX_PACKET_SIZE 65536BufferedPacket::BufferedPacket():fPacketSize(MAX_PACKET_SIZE),fBuf(newunsignedchar[MAX_PACKET_SIZE]),fNextPacket(NULL){} 在哪里判断输入数据的大...
//是否无限读(如果设置了该属性infbuf为1,则设置max-buffer-size无效) [options setPlayerOptionIntValue:1 forKey:@"infbuf"]; //缓冲区大小为3MB [options setPlayerOptionIntValue:3145728 forKey:@"max-buffer-size"]; // 开启/关闭播放器缓冲(以上配置不变情况下,“0”和“1”都设置过,都会无限缓存...
@preyunk To clarify, maxHeaderSize will be an "alias" for maxHeaderListSize and its addition will contribute towards maintaining a similar developer experience between HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 (by matching the API in HTTP/1(maxHeaderSize) to HTTP/2(maxHeaderListSize)) . The code you should be ...
I see that the netbuf receive only the first 457 bytes, but not all the packet as I would like (around 7000 bytes). If I call more times Code: Select all err = netconn_recv(conn, &inbuf); I see that I receive what I'm missing, but I don't like such a clumsy way to solv...
Java getMaxConnectionsPerHost方法属于org.asynchttpclient.AsyncHttpClientConfig类。使用说明:返回 AsyncHttpClient 可以处理的每个主机的最大连接数。本...
Wrote file afiedt.buf 1 SELECT type, filename, buffer_size, buffer_count, open_time, close_time 2 FROM v$backup_async_io 3* ORDER by type, open_time, close_time Ⅱ 磁带缓冲区 当你使用带库作为备份设备,并且分配了SBT通道,Oracle会为每一个通道分配一个Buffer ...
pack_params = {"use_bin_type":True},# unpack_param = {# 'raw' : True,# 'max_buffer_size' : sys.maxint,# 'max_str_len' : sys.maxint,# 'max_bin_len' : sys.maxint,# 'max_array_len' : sys.maxint,# 'max_map_len' : sys.maxint,# 'max_ext_len' : sys.maxint,# }...
[WARNING] unable to add HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER=glitchtip.mydomain.tld to uwsgi packet, consider increasing buffer size[WARNING] unable to add HTTP_CONNECTION=Keep-Alive to uwsgi packet, consider increasing buffer size...[WARNING] unable to add HTTP_SEC_FETCH_SITE=none to uwsgi packet, consid...
apaSession.GetMaxDataBufSize(bufferSize); HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewLC(bufferSize); TPtr8 buf = buffer->Des(); RFile file; HBufC* fileName = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxPath ); TPtr fileNamePtr = fileName->Des(); User::LeaveIfError ...
(u32)usart1_tx_buf; //DMA 存储器0地址 DMA_InitStructure.DMA_DIR = DMA_DIR_MemoryToPeripheral; //存储器到外设模式 DMA_InitStructure.DMA_BufferSize = USART1_TX_BUF_LENGTH; //数据传输量 DMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralInc = DMA_PeripheralInc_Disable; //外设非增量模式 DMA_InitStructure.DMA_...