Lucía LacarraandMatthew Golding, “Remembrance”, choreo by Matthew Golding, music by Sergey Rachmaninoff СергейРахманинов and Max Richter, costume by Lucía Lacarra and Gianluca Battaglia, 2024 Ballet Icons Gala, London Coliseum, London, England (March 17, 2024). “Remembrance...
“我们能够在同时使用两种药物的患者中展示出显著的纤维化改善效果,且明显超过了单独使用任何一种药物的效果,”Happel在接受采访时说。 在接受GLP-1药物的安慰剂组中的四名患者中,没有一位患者在MASH改善或纤维化改善方面有所突破,而在使用研究药物的12名患者中,有五人显示了MASH和纤维化改善,尽管MASH改善的结果并...
Is it really necessary to remind administrators at the top echelons of MPS that understanding the brain, and its disorders, is simply hopeless without nonhuman primate research? Max Happel August 8, 2018 at 3:59 am The case Logothetis is a very prominent manifestation of...
Ernst-Happel-Stadion Stadium Photo: Arne mueseler, CC BY-SA 3.0 de. Ernst-Happel-Stadion, known as Praterstadion until 1992, is a football stadium in Leopoldstadt, the 2nd district of Austria's capital Vienna. Ernst-Happel-Stadion is situated 1½ km northeast of Handymax....
因而它是灵长类中最为特 殊的物种之一(Happel等,1986;Long等,1991)。 有关滇金丝猴的研究 自7O年代末以来曾进行过多次(龙勇诚等,1995)。这些研究极 大地推动了人们对这一物种的认识。笔者在上述研究所积累的信息基础上,自1987年以 来,一直对滇金丝猴的地理分布和种群数量进行深入考察和核实,试图确实掌握其 ...