16:22:35.932: DXGI increase maximum frame latency success 16:22:35.932: Hardware-Accelerated GPU Scheduling enabled on adapter! 16:22:35.932: D3D11 GPU priority setup success 16:22:36.025: --- 16:22:36.025: video settings reset: 16:22:36.025: base resolution: 2560x1440 16...
CODECAPI_AVEncMaxFrameRate 备注 此属性允许调用方指定提供给编码器的视频帧的最大实时输入速率。 这为编码器提供了处理传入帧所需的速率的指示。 这对于根据源视频的分辨率和帧速率将自身设置为特定电源状态配置的编码器非常有用。 帧速率表示为比率。 属性值的上 32 位包含分子,而较低的 32 位包含分母。 例如...
方法會 SetMaxGraphLatency 設定圖形的最大延遲。 您必須先呼叫 IAMGraphStreams::SyncUsingStreamOffset 方法,才能呼叫此方法。 語法 C++ 複製 HRESULT SetMaxGraphLatency( [in] REFERENCE_TIME rtMaxGraphLatency ); 參數 [in] rtMaxGraphLatency 指定100 奈秒單位的最大延遲。 傳回值 傳回HRESULT ...
CODECAPI_AVEncVideoMaxKeyframeDistance Valore proprietà Questa proprietà viene restituita come intervallo di valori. Per ottenere l'intervallo supportato, chiamareICodecAPI::GetParameterRange. Requisiti RequisitoValore Client minimo supportato
WindowFrameType WindowsCreateLoginSource WithCtesAndXmlNamespaces WithinGroupClause WitnessDatabaseOption WlmTimeLiteral WorkloadClassifierOption WorkloadClassifierOptionType WorkloadClassifierStatement WorkloadGroupImportanceParameter WorkloadGroupParameter WorkloadGroupParameterType WorkloadGroupResourceParameter W...
The default value is 2, which strikes the best balance between frame latency and framerate.Note that you can reduce input latency by using maxQueuedFrames with a value of 1 because the CPU will be waiting until the graphics card finishes rendering previous frames. The downside of this however...
此属性适用于通过 USB 传输的 H.264 流的媒体类型。 该值对应于 UVC 1.2 H.264 视频格式描述符中的bMaxCodecConfigDelay字段。 此属性还与H.264 UVC 1.5 相机编码器一起使用。 要求 要求值 最低受支持的客户端 Windows 8 [桌面应用 |UWP 应用] ...
T BluetoothHCIReceiveCodecFrameSize T BluetoothHCIReceiveCodingFormat T BluetoothHCIRequestID T BluetoothHCIResponseCount T BluetoothHCIRetransmissionEffort S BluetoothHCIRetransmissionEffortTypes T BluetoothHCIRole S BluetoothHCIRoles T BluetoothHCISCODataByteCount S BluetoothHCISCOFlowControlStates T BluetoothHCI...
Average Framerate: 54 Max. Framerate: 103.28 Min. Framerate: 8.15 再看看RTX模式下的benchmark,所有的参数保持默认, Options: Resolution: 1920 x 1080; DirectX: DirectX 12; Quality: Ultra; Texture filtering: AF 16X; Motion Blur: Normal;