Forward Graph: 用于存储已经分配出去的流量。 Residual Graph: 用于存储当前时刻最大能够分配的流量和最大可以退回的流量。这个东西是个核心。 Residual Graph是我学习中最疑惑的一个东西,感觉老师并没有讲清楚,他到底是一个无向图(入边和出边权重始终相等),还是说入边和出边不等?可能是我之前搞混了,总是将其...
Layer: Residual graph s to u的距离是dist(u),那么dist(u)就是结点u的“层次”。 只保留每个点出发到下一层次的弧,就得到了一张层次"图"。 Blocking path: 某路径上 流量最小边 的capacity。 不考虑反向弧时的“极大流”。 Layer (on Residual graph) 该算法第一次就是将上述那条简单路径的所有流量值...
Manymanymore… 3 MinimumCutProblem Flownetwork.Abstractionformaterialflowingthroughtheedges.G=(V,E)=directedgraph,noparalleledges.Twodistinguishednodes:s=source,t=sink.c(e)=capacityofedgee. 2 9 5 10 4 15 ...
Uses the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm. Computes the maximum flow iteratively by finding an augmenting path in a residual directed graph. The directed graph cannot have any parallel edges of opposite direction between the same two nodes, unless the weight of one of those edges is zero. So if the ...
InGG, there exists an incoming edge(y,x),x∈A,y∈AC(y,x),x∈A,y∈ACsuch that it carries some non-zero flow, i.e.f(y,x)>0f(y,x)>0. This implies, that there exists abackward edge in the residual graphfromxxtoyy. rev edge). Therefore there also exists a path fromsstoyy...
Max-flow has been adopted for semi-supervised data modelling, yet existing algorithms were derived only for the learning from static data. This paper proposes an online max-flow algorithm for the semi-supervised learning from data streams. Consider a graph learned from labelled and unlabelled data...
pathfromsourcetosink,leadingtoahigher-valuedflow. Thisisacontradiction.Thus,maxflow=mincut.QED. 6CSE202-MaxFlow Ford-FulkersonMethods initializeflowto0; while(there’sanaugmentingpath){ updateflow; computenewresidualgraph;} Ifthereareseveralaugmentingpaths,doesit matterwhichwepick?? a 100100 s11t 10010...
(graph[vq][i] && parent[i]==-1) queue[tail++]=i; parent[i]=vq; if(i==t){ found=true; break; } } } return found; } void maxflow(){ int vj,min; fTotal=0; while(reachable(s,t)){ //Gets the minimum possible capacity in edges of the path s to t min=graph[parent[t]...