Given an undirected graph with edge weights, the MAX-CUT problem consists in finding a partition of the nodes into two subsets, such that the sum of the weights of the edges having endpoints in different subsets is maximized. It is a well-known NP-hard problem with applications in several ...
Given a graphG = (V, E), the metric polytopeS (G) is defined by the inequalitiesx(F) – x(CF CF \subseteq C , |F| odd,C cycle ofG, and 0 x e 1 fore E. Optimization overS (G) provides an approximation for the max-cut problem. The graphG is called 1/d-integral if all ...
It is known that if the edge weights are non-negative, then the min-cut problem is polynomially solvable, while the max-cut problem is NP-hard. We construct a partition of the positive orthant into convex cones corresponding to the characteristic cut vectors, similar to a normal fan of a ...
Hybridizing the Cross-entropy Method:An Application to the Max-cut Problem. Laguna M,Duarte A,MartíR. Computer&OperationsResearch . 2009Manuel Laguna , Abraham Duarte , Rafael Mart, Hybridizing the cross-entropy method: An application to the max-cut problem, Computers and Operations Research, v....
(However note that the matrix Q associated with our MAX-CUT problem equivalent to the initial 0/1 program (1.1) does not have all its entries nonnegative.) For quadratic 0/1 knapsacks, f1∗ is also better than the lower bound obtained by relaxing {0,1}n to [0,1]n, replacing F ...
Given a directed graph G and an edge weight function w : A(G) → R + the maximum directed cut problem (MAX DICUT) is that of finding a directed cut &#
S Guo, VCM Leung, A distributed algorithm for min-max tree and max-min cut problems in communication networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking 18(4), ... Guo,Leung,VCM - 《IEEE-ACM Transactions on Networking》 被引量: 15发表: 2010年 Max-Min Lifetime Optimization for Cooperative Communications...
The problem is to assign the colors so that as many edges as possible can be cut at the same time. Max-Cut belongs to the complexity class called NP-hard, and closely related problems have been used as benchmarks in the context of Adiabatic Quantum Optimization and, in particular, with ...
MAX k-CUT and approximating the chromatic number of random graphs We consider the MAX k-CUT problem on random graphs Gn,p. First, we bound the probable weight of a MAX k-CUT using probabilistic counting arguments and by a... A Coja-Oghlan,C Moore,V Sanwalani - 《Random Structures &...
cat /var/log/syslog | grep query | cut -f11 -d' ' | grep -v '' | sort | uniq | wc -l 261 This does not look like a cache, for the services have just started. Actually, one service is restarting in a loop because of a configuration error. However, this is not ...