ERROR 1129 (00000): Host 'gateway' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' 一般来说建议数据库服务器不监听来自网络的连接,仅仅通过sock连接,这样可以防止绝大多数针对MySQL的攻击;如果必须要开启MySQL的网络连接,则最好设置此值,以防止穷举密码的攻击手段。 真题4...
max_connections=1000; max_user_connection=600 以上设置,为自己和其他用户预留几个连接空闲 4、修改/etc/my.cnf中的max_connections 5、show processlist 显示当前正在执行的MySQL连接 6、mysqladmin -u<user> -p<pwd> -h<host> status 显示当前MySQL状态 Uptime:13131Threads:1Questions:22Slow queries:0Opens:...
4 rows in set (0.49 sec)设置最⼤连接数 mysql>set GLOBAL max_connections=2000;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)mysql> show variables like'%connection%';+---+---+ | Variable_name | Value | +---+---+ | character_set_connection | utf8 | | collation_connection ...
- name: mysql-config-volume mountPath: /etc/mysql/my.cnf subPath: my.cnf ``` 通过添加以上配置,将ConfigMap中的my.cnf文件挂载到MySQL的Pod上的/etc/mysql/my.cnf路径下。 ### 步骤3:重启MySQL的Pod 最后,我们需要重启MySQL的Pod来使新的max_connections参数生效,执行以下命令: ```bash kubectl rollou...
写在最前: 本文主要描述在网站的不同的并发访问量级下,Mysql架构的演变 可扩展性 架构的可扩展性往往...
max_user_connection=600 以上设置,为自己和其他用户预留几个连接空闲 4、修改/etc/my.cnf中的max_connections 5、show processlist 显示当前正在执行的MySQL连接 6、mysqladmin -u<user> -p<pwd> -h<host> status 显示当前MySQL状态 Uptime: 13131 Threads: 1 Questions: 22 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 16 Flush...
MySQL: Connection Refused,调整 mysql.ini中的 max_connections 连接相同的结构的MySQL数据库,一套库Tomcat启动正常,另一套库一直报Connection Refused。 可以断定是连接数太小了。查找mysql.ini中的 max_connections,改大点。
know after getting this error what happen with incoming connections from application like i am wondering about write queries which come after too many connection either those incoming connections remains in queue which will be executed after finishing earlier connections or upcoming connections get lost ...
Server version: 5.5.54-log Source distribution mysql> show variables like "%connect%"; +---+---+ | Variable_name | Value | +---+---+ | character_set_connection | utf8 | | collation_connection | utf8_general_ci | | connect_timeout | 10 | | init_connect | | | max_connect_e...