最大团问题(Maximum Clique Problem, MCP)是图论中一个经典的组合优化问题,也是一类 NP 完全问题,在国际上已有广泛的研究,而国内对 MCP 问题的研究则还处于起步阶段,因此,研究最大团问题具有较高的理论价值和现实意义。最大团问题又称为最大独立集问题(Maximum Independent Set Problem),在市场分析、方案选择、信...
max_cliqueMu**te 上传 Python 最大团近似算法是一种用于求解图论中的团问题(clique problem)的算法。在图论中,团是指一个图中所有顶点的子集,其中任意两个顶点都相邻。最大团是指在给定图的所有可能团中,最大的那个。 max_clique算法的基本思想是:对于给定的图,首先找到所有的团,然后找出这些团中的最大团。
max clique problemWe show that all problems in MAX NP are strongly reducible to the MAX CLIQUE problem, that is, we polynomially reduce any problem in MAX NP to the MAX CLIQUE problem in such a way that there is a polynomial-time computable measure-preserving correspondence between the ...
State-of-the-art branch-and-bound algorithms for the maximum clique problem (Maxclique) frequently use an upper bound based on a partition P of a graph into independent sets for a maximum clique of the graph, which cannot be very tight for imperfect graphs. In this paper we propose a new...
本文的研究重点最大可满足性问题(Maximum Satisfiability Problem , MaxSAT)是一类特殊的约束满足问题,其目标是对给定的子句集,找到关于其变元集合的一组完备赋值使得该子句集被满足的子句个数最多。MaxSAT是典型的NP难问题,具有很重要的理论和工业价值。MaxSAT的算法有两大类:完备算法以及启发式算法。本文研究...
The maximum clique problem (MCP) is a fundamental problem in combinatorial optimization which finds important applications in real-word. This paper describes two new efficient branch-and-bound maximum clique algorithms NK-MaxClique and MMCQ, designed for solving MCP. We define some pruning conditions...
4) maximum clique problem 最大团问题 1. Studies on the Entropic Regularization Method for the Maximum Clique Problem; 最大团问题的熵正则化方法研究 2. Research on ACO for Solving the Maximum Clique Problem; 最大团问题的蚁群算法研究 3. For the objective to decrease the DNA volume of the...
Realisation of branch and bound algorithm for solving Maximum clique problem using greedy coloring heuristic to estimate upper bound and greedy clique heuristic for lower bound on each step. Details: http://www.m-hikari.com/ams/ams-2014/ams-1-4-2014/mamatAMS1-4-2014-3.pdf Instructions This ...
Mining Max Frequent Patterns over Data Streams Based on Equal Weight Clique Graph theory is introduced to model the problem of frequent pattern mining over data stream. The equal weight clique is proposed in this paper. The problem... Z Kuang,G Yang,JS Tan - International Conference on Future...
such as SAT problem [33], maximum clique problem [34], maximum k-club problem [35], and it has inspired many advanced local search algorithms, such as MMAS-ML [36], MLSES-CC [37], and TOPKLS [38]. Thirdly, reasonable selection of the vertices and operations on them can guide the...