该思路的最新实践是一个名为 Based 的模型,它利用 来线性化 Attention,声称比 Attention 高效且比 Mamba 效果更好,详细介绍可以参考博客《Zoology(Blogpost 2): Simple, Input-Dependent, and Sub-Quadratic Sequence Mixers》[5] 和《BASED: Simple linear att...
Population games are games with a finite set of available strategies and an infinite number of players, in which the reward for choosing a given strategy is a function of the distribution of players over strategies. The paper shows that, in a certain class of maxmin optimization problems, it...
Computing quadratic invariants with min- and max-policy iterations: A practical comparison. In Cliff B. Jones, Pekka Pihlajasaari, and Jun Sun, editors, FM 2014: Formal Methods - 19th International Symposium, Singapore, May 12-16, 2014. Proceedings, volume 8442 of Lecture Notes in Computer ...
RoughEase(strength:Number = 1, points:uint = 20, restrictMaxAndMin:Boolean = false, templateEase:Function = null, taper:String = "none", randomize:Boolean = true, name:String = "") 通常的缓动变化都是很平滑的,如果想要一个不平滑的效果,就可以使用RoughEase。 这里列出的是他的构造方法,其中:...
每 一个TweenMax方法大多都会返回一个TweenMax的实例 -- 即下文所说的TweenMax Object。一个TweenMax需要三个参数,即$target:Object, $duration:Number, $vars:Object,头两个即运动物体,时间,第三个参数保存了所有的参数。 二,TweenMax主类: 这里分几个大块来介绍,分别是:第三个参数特有属性(29个),PlugIn(...
restrictMaxAndMin:Boolean:当设为true时,随机数的变化会在初始值和终点值之间波动。当为false时,随机数的变化可能会超过这个区间。 templateEase:Function:随机点作用的缓动模板。默认是Linear.easeNone。 taper:String:随机变化趋向那一端,"in”的话趋向于起点,"out"的话趋向于终点。默认是"none"。
Max/Min applications of quadratics The total cost of producing a type of tractor is given by , C(x)= 21000-60x + 0.05x^2 where x is the number of tractors produced. How many tractors should be produced to incur minimum cost?
restrictMaxAndMin:Boolean:当设为true时,随机数的变化会在初始值和终点值之间波动。当为false时,随机数的变化可能会超过这个区间。 templateEase:Function:随机点作用的缓动模板。默认是Linear.easeNone。 taper:String:随机变化趋向那一端,"in”的话趋向于起点,"out"的话趋向于终点。默认是"none"。
with the quadratic cost functions h ( x , u ) = x ⊤ Q x + u ⊤ R u h 0 ( x ( T ) ) = 0.5 x ⊤ ( T ) S x ( T ) . (5) Here the matrix Q ∈ R n × n is positive, semi-definite and symmetrical ( Q ≥ 0 , Q = Q ⊤ ) , the control-associated...
Theoretical or Mathematical/ combinatorial mathematics travelling salesman problems/ ant colony optimization algorithm Ant System combinatorial optimization MAX-MIN ant system greedier search search space analysis Traveling Salesman Problem Quadratic Assignment Problem/ B0260 Optimisation techniques B0250 Combinatorial...