Welcome to the Nissan 4x4 Owners Club Forum! Introduce yourself to the community here! This is a chance for you as a new member to say hello and for you to tell us about yourselves, your truck and your other interests. Threads 1.9K ...
该车计划在本月晚些时候准时发售。然而,据Maverick卡车俱乐部车主论坛(Maverick Truck Club owners forum)的发布,福特本周早些时候向经销商发送了一份备忘录,称将会有一份通知,在通知发布之前,Maverick混合动力车订单的生产将不会开始。福特并没有确认这份备忘录的真实性。在一份声明中,福特表示,Maverick hybri...
"4th of JULY FIREWORKS, the food truck round up the club house, movie under the stars. The American flags for Memorial Day" 0 Flag Eberiovanna Resident 5y ago "There are families from all walks of life! It certainly has that Very friendly environment feel for the most part " 0 Flag Sh...
It will be interesting to see how Ford can market and sell a front-wheel drive-based pickup. It's probably the right size for most truck owners, but it won't be able to put down the big towing and hauling numbers that seem to be important in the truck market these days.Some of Au...
Food truck owners can use TouchBistro’s online ordering platform to create a unified online presence that includes all the locations where people can find their trucks, online ordering for pickup using their preferred location, and an estimated wait time. Plus, TouchBistro offers a highly customiza...
The junkyard manager came out yelling at us for making the deal in his parking lot so we had the tow truck driver get it out of that yard quick! I guess the manager was ticked off we beat him to it. Those were the days you could sit across the street from the junkyard and see ...