另一种解决方法可能是通过Groovy GMaven插件更正或生成路径,类似于这个groovy代码:System.setProperty( 'user.home.fixed', System.getProperty('user.home').replaceAll( '\\', '/' ) )也许甚至可以覆盖 user.home,但我不确定它是否会起作用。因此,如果在早期阶段执行,那么在任何地方使用 ${...
e.g.$MODULE_DIR$/../src/main/resources. That worked when the project was reopened - I could compile and run tests and such - but on triggering a Maven reimport the module files were edited, this time to re-add the $USER_HOME$ paths, alongside the ones I had...
这个镜像里MAVEN_HOME的路径是/usr/share/maven,registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/choerodon-tools/cibase:0.7.0 这个镜像里的MAVEN_HOME也是/usr/share/maven么? 报错信息(请尽量使用代码块的形式展现): 建议: 提出您认为不合理的地方,帮助我们优化用户操作Fan...
The downloadable artifactmaven-wrapper.jaris placed in the project dir. Can we cache this jar in user conf dir at${user.home}/.m2/wrapper/maven-wrapper-<ver>.jaror${user.home}/.m2/wrapper/launcher/maven-wrapper-<ver>.jar? Then there is no generated files of the building project in no...
docker run -ti -v C:/Maven:/home/user/.m2 -v D:/che-samples/che-ide-server-extension:/projects eclipse/che-dev:nightly sh -c "mvn fmt:format -e" Error: - [INFO] Error stacktraces are turned on. [ERROR] Could not create local repository at /home/user/.m2/repository -> [Help ...
今天用idea清除缓存,clean的时候报了个错,上网查也没查到原因,这句话翻译过来是没有有效的maven,所有我检查了一下我的配置,果然 然后把这个配置好就行了 2018-10-12
今天用idea清除缓存,clean的时候报了个错,上网查也没查到原因,这句话翻译过来是没有有效的maven,所有我检查了一下我的配置,果然 然后把这个配置好就行了 2018-10-12
No valid Maven installation found. Either set the home directory in the configuration dialog or set 2019-12-23 19:59 − 原因: IDEA的maven地址设置出错,系统找不到指定的maven路径解决: setting--->maven修改正确的maven链接地址。设置你maven 的地址为你的存放路基就好了 ... 1...